Viktor Orbán announced extraordinary measures on Facebook.

Our article is updated

To curb the spread of the epidemic, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán announced strict restrictions, which will take effect from Wednesday at midnight.

  • There will be a curfew between 8 pm and 5 am, during this period you can only drive on the street for work or for extraordinary reasons.
  • All meetings are prohibited.
  • Restaurants close.
  • Shops, hairdressers and small craft service providers will close at 7:00 p.m.
  • Hotels can only accept guests for business purposes, not tourists.
  • A general event ban will apply.
  • There can be 10 people at a family gathering or private event.
  • They limit the number of people who attend the wedding and funeral, the latter can only go to 50 people at a time.
  • Sports matches are held behind closed doors.
  • Massive outdoor sports are also prohibited outdoors, individual sports activities can be performed.
  • The leisure facilities will be closed: museums, theaters and gyms.
  • Higher education is shifting to online mode, universities must be closed.
  • In high school, digital education takes effect from the eighth grade.
  • Nurseries, kindergartens and primary schools will remain open for those under 14 years of age.
  • Hospital staff, teachers, kindergarten children, and daycare staff are evaluated weekly and specifically.

For hotels, reservations until November 8, or 80 percent of them, will be reimbursed by the state during the first 30 days after closing. This is conditional on the employee not being fired and the employees receiving their pay.

Restaurants and leisure facilities do not have to pay a contribution for these 30 days for their employees. The state reimburses half of workers’ wages if they don’t fire an employee and get paid.

According to the Prime Minister, the situation in Hungary always follows the situation in Austria for 1-2 weeks. 109 thousand fell ill in Hungary and 8 million in Europe. According to Viktor Orbán, everything is available in hospitals, from beds and masks to protective equipment and ventilators. Hospital personnel do superhuman work, but their numbers and energy are also finite and if the number of infected people grows at that rate, medical care will not be able to cope with the burden on them. Therefore, the number of infections should be reduced with the measures taken.

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