
Teen Victoria

According to the Prime Minister, in the second wave of the epidemic, the point will be to make the country work, that was the main message of the national consultation. The elderly will remain protected, flu vaccination will be free, but no specific internal restrictions have been announced. Viktor Orbán promised to communicate more in the coming weeks and return to Facebook hussar.

The number of daily infections is at its peak both at home and abroad: Katalin Nagy begins her radio interview, who was the first to ask Viktor Orbán what to take into account in the current situation of the coronavirus. According to the prime minister, the first and second waves of the virus are different in many ways, so the defense will also be different. However, the common point is that you have to take care of the elderly, nursing homes are still a place of danger, so everyone is asked to do their job responsibly.

He also spoke about the Kamaraerdei Úti Elderly Soth, asking Gergely Karácsony not to experiment instead of writing lyrics, that “it is not a bike path that is painted, and then it will be fine or not.” (The mayor’s office announced Thursday night that 29 people at home were infected with the coronavirus, one caregiver who died after being taken to the hospital.)

Orbán said they had a war plan, the first part of which was the national consultation. The country did well in the first wave, according to all the data. It took experience (has) to deal with the second wave and to know what people are willing to accept, that was a good question. The Prime Minister summarized the results of the consultation in one sentence:

People want Hungary to work.

We want to protect the lives of the elderly, our grandparents, but the aim is to protect the functioning of Hungary. We cannot allow the virus to paralyze the country, “he added. Orbán also revealed that decisions have already been made at the government meeting on Wednesday, the operative tribe and the economic cabinet will meet early in the morning on Saturday and epidemiological measures will be taken one after another in the coming days.

There is no general restriction, if the epidemic hits a school somewhere, it will not be closed, Orbán said. There will be individual isolations, they will only close an institution if they cannot do anything else.

The Prime Minister also listed some decisions, such as the closure of nursing homes, a ban on visiting hospitals and nursing homes. And he added: he also instructed Minister Miklós Kásler so that the flu vaccine is free for those who request it, as well as an important change that will soon

The official prices will be the tests.

Wearing a mask should also be strictly controlled, asking everyone to be responsible and wear a mask.

We are fine

The international situation was also discussed in the second half of the interview. Orbán revealed that he had “been at home in the kitchen” the night before, when he was called by the president of the United States, Donald Trump, with whom he spoke about the current situation and exchanged experiences. The prime minister added that the promotion of geopolitical relations during the coronavirus epidemic cannot be ignored either. He is also used to consulting with world leaders on economic matters. According to Orbán, we are also doing well at home “creating more jobs than were lost by the virus” thanks to the measures.

Tourism is in the most difficult situation, the sector in Budapest has broken down – admitted Orbán, who did not stop sending a message to Gergely Karácsony again. According to him, the capital still has 100 billion florins from the time of István Tarlós, of which 50-60 billion should be spent on the protection of companies. He listed taxi drivers and those who work in tourism. He believes that the need for this will also be recognized by the Metropolitan Municipality, despite his opposition now.

Orbán also promised to communicate even more in the coming weeks, especially on Facebook.

“I’m going back to Facebook hussar,” he said.

Where will the money come from? Katalin Nagy asks. Orbán acknowledged that the budget deficit was not good, they would have had to adjust it, if they had not done so, the country would have been paralyzed. According to the Prime Minister, his measures are good, but more importantly, the Hungarian people trust the Hungarian economic policy. “And if there is trust, there is money,” added the prime minister, who views money as good economic experts.

“We are not bad either,” he told Magyar Nemzeti Bank leaders and the Finance Ministry.

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Viktor Orbán: We still have time
At home

The prime minister said on Saturday morning that if we meet again, we can stop the second wave.

Viktor Orbán was surprised by Miklós Kásler
At home

Kásler decided on his own authority to allocate HUF 500,000 to teachers working in disadvantaged areas, Viktor Orbán said on the Kossuth Radio morning show. It also turned out that there would be a government meeting on Friday where the details of the defense would be refined. Orbán said that it will be a more flexible, sophisticated and better adapted to reality.

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