According to Attila Péterffy, he was destined for the role of biodiversity in conciliation, where the Prime Minister announced another withdrawal from local governments.

A Present Attila Péterffy, mayor of Pécs, told the weekly how the conciliation was carried out on December 19 at the Carmelite monastery, where Viktor Orbán announced new withdrawals in relation to local governments.

Péterffy was the only opposition to the meeting, besides Károly Szita, president of the Association of County Municipalities (MJVSZ), mayor of Kaposvár, Ferenc Szalay, executive vice president, mayor of Szolnok, honorary president Lajos Kósa and Gerg on behalf of the government . Antal Rogán, minister in charge of the Prime Minister’s Office, participated.

Péterffy, who is also a co-chair of the MJVSZ, said the meeting was announced by President Károly Szita at six o’clock the previous afternoon. Before it was a matter of conciliation, but instead it was presented with facts already done. He did not agree with the halving of the business tax for small and medium-sized companies, which Orbán announced, because he said that the circle of entrepreneurs that the government wanted to help did not demand it, it is not a large amount for them, but it is another great argument for local governments. .

According to the mayor of Pécs, the mayors of Fidesz sitting there were not happy with the withdrawal, but they accepted it in a disciplined way, and Szita assured the Prime Minister of their agreement.

After Orbán closed the conversation, he asked Rogan to escort Peterffy, but the mayors of Fidesz stayed, he read the interview.

“It became clear that I had been called into a fictitious reconciliation, where I was meant to play the role of biodiversity,” said Peterffy.

After the discussion, Károly Szita issued a statement on behalf of the MJVSZ, in which he supported the government’s intention to significantly cut the business tax in half. In response, 9 non-governmental metropolitan mayors distanced themselves from the statement and criticized that they might even leave the organization.

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