Already 80 percent of Hungarian settlements were involved in the coronavirus epidemic, the operating court said at a press conference.

Coronavirus: the second wave

Half a year after the spring outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic, the second wave of the pandemic has arrived. The radical increase in the number of infected is forcing more and more countries to re-impose restrictions, despite the fact that the world economy has not even recovered from the effects of the spring outbreak. According to the signs, the second wave also reached Hungary. Follow our news!

Ágnes Galgóczi, head of the Epidemiology Department of the National Center for Public Health (NNK), began the press conference of the operational personnel on Tuesday with a presentation of the epidemiological data. He said that in the past 24 hours, 3,989 people had been diagnosed with a coronavirus infection, increasing the number of infected people in Hungary to 86,769. 84 people died, mostly elderly, chronic patients, so the number of deaths increased to 1973.

The number of actively infected people rose to 63,940, an increase of 3,525 in one day. Galgóczi said that 80 percent of Hungarian settlements were already involved in the epidemic.

He said about the NNK’s sewage tests that the concentration of hereditary coronavirus material also increased in Békéscsaba, Eger, Kecskemét, Szekszárd, Tatabánya, Veszprém and in the capital. All of this is important because an increase in concentration predicts an increase in the number of infected people.

The department head also said that a two-day government meeting will be held this week to decide on further epidemiological tightening. In the early afternoon, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán will announce the measures.

Kristóf Gál, spokesman for the National Police Headquarters, reported that in the last 24 hours police officers had acted in 83 cases for breach of security measures: 18 cases were warned, 26 fines on the spot and 39 people reported.

Gál specifically mentioned that on Monday afternoon in Herceghalom, a man refused to wear a mask on the train, in addition to insulting those who were traveling in a cabin with him. The police officers who finally arrived handcuffed him and took him away. He was prosecuted for violating harassment rules and wearing a mask.

The description and answer to the journalist’s questions in the briefing was quite brief. The Heves County newspaper was one of the lucky ones to get an answer to your question. His readers complained that their GP did not order a Covid test for their upper respiratory symptoms. Ágnes Galgóczi said that doctors can request the test based on interviewing patients. Loss of taste and smell may be justified in feverish symptoms. If the symptoms don’t go away or get worse, you may want to call your doctor again.

the RTL he wonders how much the number of transferred health workers would increase by almost a thousand. A NNK staff member said there were already 1,074. also asked operational staff questions, but they did not respond, and the prime minister’s announcement late in the afternoon was offered to the press.

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Coronavirus: 84 died and almost 4,000 new infections were found
At home

The number of people hospitalized is close to five thousand.

Coronavirus: a teacher of a school in Tiszafüred died
At home

The teacher was treated in a hospital in Debrecen.

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