4.66 percent of those infected in Hungary are healthcare workers, and another border crossing will open on the Hungarian-Ukrainian border, according to a rather brief report from the operational tribe on Wednesday.

Coronavirus: the second wave

Half a year after the spring outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic, the second wave of the pandemic has arrived. The radical increase in the number of infected is forcing more and more countries to re-impose restrictions, despite the fact that the world economy has not even recovered from the effects of the spring outbreak. According to the signs, the second wave also reached Hungary. Follow our news!

In an increasingly worsening epidemic situation, operational staff held their daily briefing. Yesterday 48 patients with coronavirus died in one day, as many as ever, the number of hospital admissions increased by 63, and the number of active cases increased by 1,107, so that if they had been tested three times more than what had been tested, even then. they would have reached the minimum level that the World Health Organization says is sufficient.

Referring to Cecília Müller’s occupations, now she did not attend the briefing, so Ágnes Galgóczi, Head of the Department of Epidemiology of the National Center for Public Health spoke. He did not say anything new about the coronavirus compared to the figures released this morning, but mentioned that “in terms of total mortality in the last 10 years, it can be said that mortality is not higher than in the last 10 years in its set”. In the first eight months of the year, much lower.There was no death rate than last year, and he said nothing about why this could be due to fewer nosocomial infections or even stricter epidemiological rules in other parts of healthcare .

However, he spoke extensively about the flu: as he said, the vaccine will be sent to GPs, they should be asked the possibility of this, the free vaccination will be given to everyone this winter.

You can request a flu shot today; we collect the information prior to vaccination

Although the flu vaccine has been around for a long time, it may never have been as important as it was this year due to the coronavirus epidemic. But how and when can it be obtained? What types do you have? Who can present it and who should take charge? What side effects can it cause and why did the government seize a whole set?

Lieutenant Colonel Róbert Kiss said that in the last day 26 police actions had been initiated for violating epidemiological rules, “16 times actions were taken in case of non-compliance with the rules of use of masks in public transport.” He also said that the Barabas highway crossing will open on the Hungarian-Ukrainian border from tomorrow.

This was followed by journalistic questions selected by the operational staff.

As always in the last week, now we wonder what is the explanation for the fact that for days, the number of people in home quarantine and in the hospital together has been thousands less than the number of active cases. This time we didn’t get a response either.

However, it was said that those who happened to shop in Austria would be placed under official home quarantine upon return, and this could be overcome after 10 days or two with negative PCR tests.

Healthcare workers should wear a surgical mask, and those who perform coronavirus infections or perform high-risk tasks should wear special protective equipment, he said.

Cecília Müller said yesterday that participation in massive events is not recommended. This has now been confirmed by answering a question.

There was a specific number among the responses: 4.66 percent of those affected were health workers.

Hopefully the weather will be favorable for family outdoor programs over the fall break, participation is even encouraged, but everyone should be healthy.

Ágnes Galgóczi said.

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