
Nikolett Csányi – Béla Mihály Kacskovics

Students and professors from the University of Theater and Film took to the streets on Sunday to show that they were not a closed community.

There is growing resistance from students and professors to the erosion of the autonomy of the University of Theater and Film Arts (SZFE) due to the government’s decision to continue the university as a foundation under Attila Vidnyánszky. More and more world-famous artists are joining the solidarity movement around SZFE, but the Vidnyánszky family is not expanding. You can follow the latest developments in the SZFE scandal in our article series.

“They claim to be a gated community. We want to invite you to an open day and thus inaugurate all the honorary students of the Secret University ”, was the invitation of the students who occupied the Vas Street building of the University of Theater and Cinematographic Arts (SZFE) to the Sunday event. During a few hours in “The freest street in Hungary”, they showed what it means to be a citizen of the university, in peacetime.

In six places, twenty artists took to the streets and visitors were not allowed into the building. The professors taught classes that are normally used for students within the walls of the institution. For example, director Ildikó Enyedi showed how to create a lovable hero and Eszter Novák performed stylistic exercises.

“I resigned on August 28 when the university was deprived of its autonomy, but if we regain it, I will return,” Enyedi told our newspaper. According to him, the true meaning of the open house is to remind both students and teachers why they work, they have worked at this university. He himself sees this not as a teaching, not as the transmission of something, but as an interactive communication.

Mihály Csernai, president of the SZFE student self-government, spoke: “We wanted to give you an idea of ​​what exactly is happening in this secret university.” As he said, he still does not see any indication that the unit of students occupying the university has disintegrated and the members of the board of directors will not yet be accepted as maintainers of the institution.

Chernai has yet to reveal what will happen at the university starting September 14. This is an important issue because László Upor, vice chancellor of the university on August 31, who passed his notice, postponed the start of the semester for a week on September 6. Teachers at the institution announced on September 10 that they would go on strike on the 21st if they did not comply with their demands, so the way to start Monday’s school year is up in the air.

Hundreds attended the open house of the “secret university”. Poet Krisztina Tóth, one of the speakers at the open house, said the purpose of the event was to draw attention to serious education at the university.

When announcing the event, the students described that they still did not receive a substantive response to their demands from the ministry two weeks ago, and at the same time they criticized the board of trustees headed by Attila Vidnyánszky for the expiration campaign launched against them. Students from the University of Theater and Cinematographic Arts occupied the building on Vas Street on August 31 and demanded the resignation of the board of directors headed by Attila Vidnyánszky, and the latter could not leave. On September 6, thousands of protesters presented their demands to Parliament. Neither Attila Vidnyánszky nor the students appeared at the conciliatory meeting of the Hungarian Rectors’ Conference on Thursday. At the same time, Mihály Csernai declared that he was unwilling to negotiate with Vidnyánszky.

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Krisztián Grecsó was also a guard at SZFE

The writer is three-dimensional, but he assumed the role of sentinel.

According to Vidnyánszky, Amnesty International trained students protesting

In a long interview, for example, he explained that waking up would be painful for students.