The required signatures were also collected in Sweden this week, so the requirement only needs to be met in one country.

The legal institution of the European Citizens’ Initiative allows citizens of the European Union to apply directly to the European Commission to present a legislative proposal in their area of ​​competence.

The citizens’ initiative must be endorsed by the signatures of at least one million EU citizens from at least seven of the 27 EU Member States. In each of the seven Member States, the minimum number of signatures required for that country should be collected.

Faced with the coronavirus pandemic, the European Commission extended by three months the term of the European Citizens’ Initiative launched by the Szekler National Council (SZNT) for the protection of national regions, which was thus extended until February 7, 2021.

The signature collection began on May 7 of last year; In view of the epidemic, his term has been extended once for six months until November 7.

László Pesty, the petition’s campaign leader, recalled in M1 that the required number of signatures had already been collected in early May, but at that time only three of the seven countries still met the requirement: Hungary, Slovakia and Romania . In autumn, the necessary signatures were collected in Lithuania and Croatia, and now also in Sweden.

According to the campaign manager, it is also possible that there will be signatures in not only seven but also eight countries by the February 7 deadline, but Pesty did not say what they could be.

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