The police conducted a search of the house due to a robbery. in the district local government office, and Tamás Borka-Szász abruptly resigned and left the Democratic Coalition.

On the community side, Péter Niedermüller, mayor of Erzsébetváros in the SE, reacted to the fact that a bitcoin mine was operated on the machines of the office of Tamás Borka-Szász, also a member of the municipality. The police conducted a search of the house due to a robbery. computers were also seized in the district municipality building. Thereafter, Borka-Saxon immediately resigned his mandate and left the party.

“A party colleague with whom I have been working since last summer in the municipal campaign, and then in the municipality after the electoral victory, disappointed me ugly. Or maybe I should make it even stronger. He betrayed me.

We came here because we wanted and want to lead this district because we have principles, beliefs, faith. That we are not like the government and its lunar courtyard, we are not stealing, cheating, skillful.

And then now a member of the DK, a municipal representative, is stealing electricity from his office. What can i say now Niedermüller snapped.

The mayor wrote that he could yell: “(…) what the hell does he have to do such shit? Why jeopardize all that we have achieved slowly, with so much work? Why let everyone, the other members, the party, our ideals be disappointed? I’m really shocked, deeply outraged, I just wasn’t ready for it. I will never, ever allow, tolerate anyone in the municipality, around it, stealing or committing any crime. And whoever does this in spite of everything, immediately separates us. That is what happened now. The rule of law, the observance of moral principles, applies to everyone. And to the members of my party in particular ”, he concluded.

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They provide extraordinary support to people who lose their jobs in the districts run by DK
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Those who live in a district administered by the SE and have lost their job will receive between 57 and 120 thousand HUF.

Gyurcsány on the autumn speech: if a fantastic love for the keyhole is recorded, the adult film
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The president of the Democratic Coalition gave a long interview in a rather surprising place. He talks about 2006, his relationship with Viktor Orbán and how responsible he feels for two thirds of Fidesz.