In an interview, Tibor Navracsics, a former EU commissioner, assessed that the suspension of Tamás Deutsch’s rights within the Popular Party faction was a battle for Fidesz.

Navracsics Tibor Fiala János Keljfel Jancsi! He explained that it is not convenient for him to compare the European Union with the Soviet Union, German politicians with the SS or the Gestapo. The former EU commissioner responded by saying that Tamás Deutsch commented on his sanctions in a direct speech Thursday night: An intelligent person does not take offense when he has been offended, but when it is in his best interest. Navracsics added that everything can be in politics, of course, but everything also has consequences – wrote

The former commissioner sees restricting Deutsch’s rights within the faction as a battle for Fidesz.

According to Navracsics, it is very offensive for a German to say that he speaks like a Gestapo officer or that he likes to shoot a Hungarian. At the same time, he emphasized that the collection of signatures did not start from this per se, but also includes the long-standing conflict between Fidesz and the Popular Party.

He stressed that this conflict must be resolved because it is not good politically. The suspension is temporary, but it is not tied to a deadline, so it is much more difficult to get out of it than to get in, the portal wrote in the words of Navracsics.

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