The man died of the Covid-19 disease, according to the final report, but it is not included in the epidemiological data. The medical director said he had been asked for the final hospital report.

Coronavirus: the second wave

Half a year after the spring outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic, the second wave of the pandemic has arrived. The radical increase in the number of infected is forcing more and more countries to re-impose restrictions, despite the fact that the world economy has not even recovered from the effects of the spring outbreak. According to the posters, the second wave also reached Hungary. Follow our news!

National Medical Director Cecília Müller spoke at the operative tribe’s press conference Thursday about the 39-year-old teacher who died in a rural hospital. The victim is not included in the official statistics, even though his wife previously told that the man died on October 3, 12 days after he was admitted to the hospital, and his final report says that “in In general, it can be said that in the hypertensive and diabetic patient, respiratory failure induced by SARS-2 COVID, ARDS progressed to multi-organ failure, which could no longer be reversed with complex intensive therapy and caused the death of the patient ”.

Cecília Müller said that, of course, they know about the case, but the investigation is still ongoing. “We strive to provide only valid data,” he said.

The chief physician added that the final report and the death examination report are always requested from the hospital because they are the authentic documents that can be used to determine the diseases that led to death, as well as the comorbidities they had. If it is confirmed that you have died due to a virus infection, you will be added to the list. (Not yet on the list Thursday afternoon, ed.)

The Teachers Union also ruled on the teacher’s death. According to PSZ, the case shows more than ever that “the government has left public education institutions, those that work in education, to sacrifice them for wanting to run the economy.” The union has raised an eight-point requirement, among other things, to ensure that the chronically ill, that is, educators at risk, can teach immediately remotely, from home.

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Cecília Müller: The efficacy of the new rapid coronavirus tests is already being studied
At home

The tests have undergone clinical trials, which can yield results in as little as 15 minutes, but the capacity of PCR testing could soon be expanded significantly, said National Medical Director Cecília Müller, who told operational staff.

Cecília Müller: The number of infected increased by 14 percent
At home

According to the national medical director, of the 20 patients who died in the last 24 hours, all had an underlying disease. He did not speak of the 44-year-old victim of the epidemic.