According to the national medical director, there is no financial limit for testing, we are in the rising phase of the epidemic, but the situation has improved in schools.

Coronavirus: the second wave

Half a year after the spring outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic, the second wave of the pandemic has arrived. The radical increase in the number of infected is forcing more and more countries to re-impose restrictions, despite the fact that the world economy has not even recovered from the effects of the spring outbreak. According to the signs, the second wave also reached Hungary. Follow our news!

The national medical director Cecília Müller began the press conference on Monday with the presentation of the latest data. She said that 9 of the 11 patients who died were affected by cardiovascular disease and two suffered from respiratory disease. Müller also said that while previously the virus was more prevalent among the young, now the disease has spread to the elderly as well.

According to Müller, we are in an ascending phase in the spread of the coronavirus, but not only in Hungary, the number of infected people is increasing around the world. The medical director also reported that the hospital was treating 649 coronavirus patients and 40 had ventilators.

He reiterated that the number of patients in hospitals designated to care for Covid patients is increasing, so health workers are being monitored. They continue to care for patients in a concentrated way, where he believes that all conditions are suitable for healing. Depending on the number of patients, staff must be assigned to care, and this is according to plan, he said.

In educational institutions, Müller said that the situation has improved compared to the previous week: he has now ordered extraordinary breaks in 21 kindergartens and 5 schools, and digital work schedules for 64 classes and 4 complete schools due to coronary heart disease.

He asked many times to join all a

rules of use of masks, hand washing, distance.

Lieutenant Colonel Róbert Kiss said it was justified to re-regulate the border blockade. The change is that for Hungarians and non-Hungarian family members from a V4 country, a negative PCR test is sufficient if accommodation has been booked in a V4 country prior to the entry into force of the legislation.

The lieutenant colonel continued with the data of the weekend: in a total of 64 cases, the police had to act for violating epidemiological regulations. In approximately 24 cases due to missing or misused masks on public transportation, two were reported. In a commercial premises or in a public institution, 33 people had to be warned, 4 were fined on the spot and 3 violations were reported.

In restaurants, party places:

There were 4 rapes, including in Sárospatak and Lenti. After 23 hours, guests were still found in nightclubs.

TV2 and Infórádio wondered if it was not dangerous for someone to be vaccinated against the flu with a coronavirus, since they might not even know they were infected. According to Cecília Müller, it is not dangerous because there is an inactivated virus in the vaccine, it cannot cause disease.

It was also revealed in the responses to journalistic questions that the institutions constantly receive a quantity of protective equipment for two weeks.

Responding to another question, the medical director said that he would recommend everyone to wear a mask in both indoor and outdoor markets. As for the masks, he said they must be in good condition, made of cotton and washable at more than 60 degrees, and they must also be able to withstand ironing.

the RTL Klub When asked if there is really only HUF 11.4 billion for PCR tests (this amount would be enough for a maximum of 8,000 tests per day), Müller said there is no financial limit to the number of tests.
When asked if the epidemiological effects of the super cup final were being investigated, he said that they were not following an event, but examinations and contacts requested by doctors. Had there been a greater number of infections, he would have turned his attention to the match.

According to the data, no focal point was formed there.

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Operational tension: the coronavirus is present in 25 social institutions
At home

Cecília Müller and Róbert Kiss reported on the latest news.

Operational strain: should be closed at 11pm to allow less time to transmit virus
At home

It is still mainly young people who contract the coronavirus, and Hungarian medical care is also preparing for the final of the European Super Cup in the evening.