More than 100 patients have already been cured with plasma treatment, and a research team supported by the Ministry of Innovation and Technology (ITM) is now soliciting new donors, the ministry said.

Coronavirus – the second wave

Half a year after the spring outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic, the second wave of the pandemic has arrived. The radical increase in the number of infected is forcing more and more countries to re-impose restrictions, despite the fact that the world economy has not even recovered from the effects of the spring outbreak. According to the signs, the second wave also reached Hungary. Follow our news!

More than 100 patients have already been cured with plasma treatment, and a research team backed by the Ministry of Innovation and Technology (ITM) is now soliciting new donors, the ministry told MTI on Saturday morning.

The OrthoSera research team invites potential donors with coronavirus infection to assist in the effective treatment of patients with plasma therapy. More than 100 people have already been cured by one of the most effective procedures currently known in Hungary, ITM said.

There is a growing global demand for plasma therapy, as this supportive treatment is proving effective in an increasing number of serious coronavirus infections. The research team is constantly in need of new donors because the material they provide can be used to extract antibodies that help fight the virus in the human body, they wrote.

The statement quotes Zsombor Lacza, head of the OrthoSera research group, who stressed that the epidemic is increasing, so there is a growing demand for new donors. He added that plasma can only be kept frozen for a few months, so there is a great need for replenishment using the amount collected in the first wave. They can take one to three units of blood per donor, which means that one donor can help a patient. Only those who have already had the disease and have high levels of antibodies in their blood have adequate plasma levels, he said.

Plasma donation is [email protected] You can submit your request on or at +36 70 363 8768.

ITM and the National Office for Research, Development and Innovation provided 113 million HUF in support for the start of the use of plasma therapy against coronavirus in Hungary.

The OrthoSera research team invites potential donors with coronavirus infection to assist in the effective treatment of patients with plasma therapy. More than 100 people have already been cured by one of the most effective procedures currently known in Hungary, ITM said.

There is a growing worldwide demand for plasma therapy, as this supportive treatment is proving effective in an increasing number of serious coronavirus infections. The research team is constantly in need of new donors because the material they provide can be used to extract antibodies that help fight the virus in the human body, they wrote.

The statement quotes Zsombor Lacza, head of the OrthoSera research group, who says the epidemic is on the rise, so there is a growing demand for new donors. He also talked about the fact that plasma can only be kept frozen for a few months, so there is a great need for replenishment using the amount collected in the first wave. They can take one to three units of blood per donor, which means that one donor can help a patient. Only those who have already had the disease and have high levels of antibodies in the blood have adequate plasma levels.

Plasma donation is [email protected] You can submit your request on or at +36 70 363 8768.

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