In his video of the year, the minister also spoke about the epidemic.

In 100 years, the new health care law will be talked about as a new future and a new perspective for Hungarian health care, Miklós Kásler said in another video posted on Facebook. The Minister of Human Resources recalled that at the beginning of the government he had set very beautiful goals, none of which was set aside, and many results were achieved. He mentioned it as an example

  • the establishment of the Hungarian national basic curriculum,
  • the establishment of the Hungarian Research Institute.

He also talked about how the great plague transformed human attitude, the epidemic raised moral problems, had an impact on the church, schools, teaching, solidarity. Pandemics have always had consequences and will continue to do so. Some people, on the other hand, try to judge the outbreak of the epidemic in a more abstract way and take into account their lifestyle, perspectives and habits, the minister added. He mentioned the observance of epidemiological rules as a moral problem, who adheres to wearing a mask, since wearing a mask is known to be one of the basic problems in the spread of an epidemic.

According to him, some people did not take the epidemic seriously due to the low mortality. But now, when the epidemic rages around the world, when the country cannot be isolated, is when we see the consequences, “he added.

He posed it as an ideological question of how far a person’s freedom extends. “My focus extends as long as the freedom of other people, do not give God their health or their life is in danger. This is a legal and ethical issue,” added the minister.

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Gyula Kincses:
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The president of the Hungarian Medical Chamber gave an interview to MedicalOnline, in which he spoke about the fact that ordering may not be to the liking of doctors.