According to the head of the ministry, we must prepare for the worst case scenario and trust that the course of the epidemic will be milder.

coronavirus pandemic

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The Human Resources Ministry responded in an open letter to Saturday’s letter from the Hungarian Medical Chamber. In a statement addressed to Gyula Kincses, MOK President Miklós Kásler, head of the ministry, responded to the call, in which the chamber wrote that the current health measures are not in line with epidemiological data, therefore , protection plans and scenarios are expected to be made public.

In his response, he first points out to the MOK that the letter was released by the chamber, as medical consultations generally take place in a professional circle. He also notes that Emmi has published some of the information about the virus available so far by WHO and other international health organizations, as well as measures that have been implemented since January. Therefore, the camera call is considered misleading. It also points out in the communication that only estimates of the course of the virus are available, an accurate forecast “no one in any country can give responsibly.” And the government is planning health capabilities in the worst case, but we hope there will be a smoother course. ” It cannot be done differently and responsibly, because it could have serious consequences later, he adds, justifying the gradual release of capacity. It justifies, as a matter of urgency, the organization of some of the measures against the epidemic in the form of ministerial instructions, which mainly include “the specific tasks against the epidemic of each health institution”. Information sharing will be ensured at press conferences after operational staff meetings beyond the regular page ​​and its Facebook page, according to the letter.

The head of the ministry emphasizes that international examples show that when an epidemic “explodes”, a large number of hospital beds are needed in a very short time, but it is also important that patients without coronaviruses are physically separated from patients with infectious coronaviruses. . . According to him, “only patients who no longer require hospital care can be discharged from hospitals,” which is a medical problem that the treating doctor and the hospital decide locally. “In this situation, the Chamber could play an important role in providing professional assistance to its members. Because there are countless individual cases in practice, hospitals have the opportunity to coordinate at the county level and thus free up the number of beds needed to care for coronavirus patients, Kásler adds.

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