Capacity can be doubled.

Coronavirus: the second wave

Half a year after the spring outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic, the second wave of the pandemic has arrived. The radical increase in the number of infected is forcing more and more countries to re-impose restrictions, despite the fact that the world economy has not even recovered from the effects of the spring outbreak. According to the signs, the second wave also reached Hungary. Follow our news!

There are increasing requests for sampling for the coronavirus, so another 200 sampling units will be installed across the country in a matter of days, the head of communications and public relations for the National Ambulance Service told public media on Wednesday. Pál Győrfi emphasized that the number of sampling requests received by the ambulance service due to the coronavirus has increased significantly in recent days. After a few hundred initial tasks, more than 5,000 such requests have been received per day in recent weeks, and now the number of sampling tasks exceeds 12,000 in some days.

In order to fulfill all sampling requests quickly, in a few days another 200 sampling units will be installed across the country with the help of the Ministry of the Interior (BM). The staff of the units is made up of graduate medical students, the vehicles are provided by the World Bank. The samplers are trained by the National Ambulance Service. The training also covers the use of protective equipment, the professional protocol of the intervention, disinfection and the necessary administration.

The head of communication and public relations of the National Ambulance Service stressed that so far everything possible had been done to ensure that the sampling was carried out without problems. Installing more than 200 sampling units is a valuable aid because it almost doubles their capacity. Therefore, according to Pál Győrfi, not only will the short deadlines so far be sustainable, but they may even reduce them.

The question, of course, is that if we can keep up with the sampling, what will happen to the laboratory capacity? Wednesday to wrote about the fact that the National Center for Public Health stated at its request for data of public interest that accredited laboratories have a daily capacity to test between 10 and 12 thousand tests.

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