The opposition politician recalled his previous spelling.

Socialists Ágnes Kunhalmi and Ildikó Bangóné Borbély protested in Parliament against the words of László Kövér, Speaker of the House, electoral president of Fidesz, by putting a double number on his coat, indicating his year of birth on paper.

Fat on Hír Tv, Zsolt Bayer’s talk on Tímea Szabó, said that

I look with pity on these Members, especially those whose personal number starts with 2, when they put themselves in a situation where Tímea Szabó has recently been successful. There is nothing sadder than seeing a female face distorted by the hatred of being a man. “

Before the ominous interview in Parliament, Szabo asked why the government was distributing masks to Romania and Serbia, at which time articles contaminating him appeared, even in the Hungarian nation.

Due to Fat’s statement, several opposition MPs have complained to the authority of the media.

Kunhalmi later wrote on her community page, accompanied by another quote from Fat, who as a woman did not consider himself inferior, rejected the speaker’s words and asked the Fideszmen to

Don’t defeat your own sense of minority in Hungarian women.

The leader of the Fidesz faction, Máté Kocsis, did not stop the action without a word, and Kunhalmi answered his previous spelling mistake: the opposition politician wrote himself the best grade obtained in grammar.

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He considers it silly that the government benefits from the epidemic in the next elections, and he compared the opposition to Rákosi and Gerő.