It was an early treat, although there was a significant pay increase for the doctors, but their myriad powers were reduced and despite appearances, they had no voice. At the same time, they can become a great scapegoat, writes the specialist, health analyst.

We have already gotten used to how the Prime Minister is constantly making the opposition stupid, but now Viktor Orbán has also taught the Hungarian Medical Chamber (MOK) a serious political lesson. The lesson, though by no means elegant, and will do far more harm than good in the long run, can ensure Orbán’s political survival.

Yes, you read that right, Viktor Orbán, like a mouthful of bread, will need the next group to push in the crosshairs to divert attention from the health collapse and epidemic. Which is certainly on the verge of. You may remember the Tom Cruise movie (Day and Night), which was also shown in Hungarian cinemas, in which the main character explains to his partner, Cameron Diaz, that when he hears about someone who is safe, he runs away.

Viktor Orbán on a visit to the hospital


In the situation of the domestic coronavirus, this instinct was sharpened when Viktor Orbán affirmed that we have enough ventilators, enough intensive beds, enough doctors, professionals and we will cure everyone. Unfortunately, the reality is much more shocking than this, we don’t have enough doctors or nurses, and we don’t have enough equipment either. Although the first two complaints are known and well founded, the last one was made public by the State Health Center itself with its acquisition of medical devices, which begins its evaluation part as follows: “Given the scarcity situation, Please indicate the delivery time and delivery date. the amount owed. ”

In addition to the lack of staff and resources, it is an additional concern that the prime minister has been left without real professionals, and some have even made public criticism. Slowly, if we are not lucky enough to create a vaccine from a developed country or a special treatment for coronavirus, we are certainly waiting for difficult times. For times that can have serious political consequences, even the worst. The Prime Minister intends to prevent this with his well-established method. Take a group in which you can then bake everything, that group must be somewhat different than average, have a different skin color, gender identity, or even have a lot of money.

Orbán came to the rescue of the medical community, which, on its own initiative, is trying to loosen the centuries-old feudal yoke and fight for the maintenance of care. In addition, it is characterized by a variety of stereotypes that can be easily unpleasant along with ongoing real or perceived grievances.

However, the Prime Minister did not want to leave anything to chance and the memory of the spring applause is still alive in his memory, he knows exactly that health soldiers can quickly become heroes in a crisis situation, so he you need something extra to make the average citizen envious or angry. that can turn frustration into hatred. Nothing is more suitable for this purpose than the January salary proposal of the Hungarian Medical Chamber, which, in addition to withdrawing thank you money, could mean a significant salary for doctors and an amount large enough to envy.

Events have accelerated and have now become history. On October 3, Viktor Orbán invited a delegation from the presidency of the Hungarian Medical Chamber to her study at the Carmelite Monastery. At the prime minister’s meeting, Orbán accepted the MOK salary scale with virtually no objection, which he himself reported on his Facebook page that afternoon. He stated that the epidemic is on the ascending limb and will remain there as long as there is no vaccine, and medical care will be under a huge burden in the next 7-8 months. Both doctors and nurses will be under superhuman pressure, which is why it agrees with the medical chamber that this increased demand for work can no longer be sustained at current salary levels. Therefore, MOK’s salary proposal has been accepted and the thank you money can be withdrawn from the system.

A historic act is taking place, we all believed it when we heard the news.

However, the joy did not last long, and at noon on October 5, without prior notice, a bill was published that would regulate the withdrawal of thank you money and the settlement of medical salaries. That is, almost almost because the bill in question did not appear at all.

After all, a law was sent to the chamber that would change not only the issue of doctors’ salaries and gratitude money, but also the status of the doctors themselves, to the detriment of the doctors. Furthermore, it did not even respect the previously announced medical pay scale as it could have deviated from it both up and down by 20% (this was later corrected). The version sent to the Hungarian Medical Chamber only had four hours to read and comment (the material is a complex 38-page legal text).

Everyone was surprised to see the bill as it was not included in the Prime Minister’s agreement, thus it hit the MOK presidency extremely unexpectedly. However, the members of whom, as gentlemen, still tried to get up fairly, trusting in the possibility of dialogue, so they are far from completing their proposal, and at the same time pointed out that, unfortunately, due to the lack of time , needs further adjustment. In front of them, however, was a black-belt political machinist. Thus, after the MOK drafted its draft and indicated the need for further correction, Gergely Gulyás had just announced that the government had accepted all the amendments proposed by the MOK, and even the MOK agreed with everything, asking for the introduction of the law. Which was then accepted the next day at a rapid rate.

So now the doctors are there, and while they may be paid quite a bit higher, all sorts of powers have been restricted in such a way that they have practically no say in it. According to this, even in peacetime, they can even be attached to the Gulag for educational purposes, while second jobs can only be done with the approval of Mr. Alispán. Nobody likes this system, nor the way it was introduced: statically and outwardly communicating that they get a lot of money listening to serious violations.

But it will be difficult to rebel, and that is exactly the essence of a well-prepared trap. In other words, the government communication on wages was so successful that the law was approved 100 percent by the parliament itself, together with the opposition parliamentarians who did not read the text of the law or got drunk with the sums delivered. to the doctors.

And the point is here, because if the deputies in parliament have taken government propaganda in this way, what will the people do, for God’s sake? Well of course when it comes to a near collapse in healthcare, it will blame the doctors that the government believes have despised millions, despite forcing them to work without the proper security equipment with military command, people just you will see the dollar signs in front of the doctors.

And that was exactly the goal, to create a new enemy image, to build it that is now ready to use.

The author is a specialist, health analyst, expert, and systems developer.

(In the opening image, Viktor Orbán and the delegation of the Medical Chamber discuss the salary increase on the terrace of the Carmelite Monastery – MTI / Prime Minister’s Press Office / Benko Vivien Cher)

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