He asked for labor from the Korányi National Institute of Pulmonology and the Government Office of St. John’s Hospital, capital of Budapest.

Coronavirus: the second wave

Half a year after the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic in the spring, the second wave of the pandemic has arrived. The radical increase in the number of infected is forcing more and more countries to re-impose restrictions, despite the fact that the world economy has not even recovered from the effects of the spring outbreak. According to the posters, the second wave also reached Hungary. Follow our news!

The Korányi National Institute of Pulmonology (OKPI) requested a dispatch to the Budapest Capital Government Office in a letter, as it did in the spring, Szent János Hospital writes to hvg.hu. At that time, the three experienced and experienced Budapest hospitals, the South Pest Centrum Hospital, OKPI and St. John’s Hospital, were mainly receiving patients with moderate and severe coronavirus.

We also visited the South Pest, Korányi and János hospitals, which Népszava wrote that the St. John’s Hospital triple internal medicine building had been evacuated, after the South Pest Central Hospital and the National Korányi Institute of Neumology (OKPI) failed to breathe. . These three hospitals receive patients with moderate to severe coronavirus. According to the document, acute cardiological cases and those requiring a heart attack will be treated at St. Imre, Merciful, Uzsoki, St. Margaret and Gyula Nyírő hospitals instead of St. John’s.

We wanted to know if this was all true and, if so, were they prepared to receive coronavirus patients? We were also curious to know how many patients in need of a ventilator can be accommodated.

In the end, only St. John Hospital responded, although we did not receive a complete answer to our questions, but it turned out that the government office sent the OKPI request to all hospitals in Budapest. “In the spring, the authorities will follow a well-tested recipe, directing the necessary professionals to where they can most effectively cure Covid patients,” they write.

It was also added that St. John’s Hospital was able to accomplish any additional tasks in the spring, relying on its own resources. Back then, “normal” patient care turnover was 40% of the previous year.

In contrast, all departments of the hospital are currently operating at almost full capacity; some of our professions, p. Eg traumatology treats an even greater number of cases than usual.

Therefore, according to the hospital, they were asked to direct specialists to perform their additional duties.

Many of our young and middle-aged patients who are hospitalized not primarily for pneumonia caused by Covid, but need to be treated separately. More serious complications are still seen in older patients, but they are still fewer than in the spring.

– read in your answer.

According to a previous ministerial decision, severe cases of coronavirus must be transferred to the South Pest and Korányi Central Hospital. The number of new infections is increasing dramatically, and people hospitalized have not increased dramatically so far. According to recent epidemic data, 324 coronavirus patients were treated at the hospital on Tuesday, 18 of whom were hooked up to a ventilator.

Prime Minister Viktor Orbán spoke on Saturday about the need to be prepared for the number of infections to continue to rise.

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How the coronavirus takes control of an infected cell has finally been deciphered


Swiss researchers have discovered how a new coronavirus called SARS-CoV-2 will take control of the infected cell.

15 health workers are coronavirus in the National Institute of Oncology

At home

The news was also confirmed by the hospital, but they said it was impossible for workers to transmit the infection to patients.