The salaries of infected teachers also depend on the school principals.

Coronavirus: the second wave

Half a year after the spring outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic, the second wave of the pandemic has arrived. The radical increase in the number of infected is forcing more and more countries to re-impose restrictions, despite the fact that the world economy has not even recovered from the effects of the spring outbreak. According to the signs, the second wave also reached Hungary. Follow our news!

For the moment, the replacement of teachers who have lost their jobs due to illness or quarantine has not caused any serious disruption in the functioning of schools and kindergartens, the Klebelsberg Center, which maintains state institutions, told the Hungarian Nation. They added that

the center does not keep a registry of educators infected with Covid-19.

In each case, the National Center for Public Health decides how many teachers and students to quarantine due to infection or suspicion, teachers in quarantine but not sick can undertake tasks from home, in which case the maintainer will pay the full salary. .

According to the announcement made by Minister Miklós Kásler in September, teachers who could not otherwise do their job and are classified as coronavirus or close contact do not have to give up their salaries. In this regard, Péter Horváth, president of the National Faculty of Teachers, told the Hungarian Nation that

the practical application of the promise remains to be seen.

“We know that the amendment in question has already been adopted at the government meeting, but no specific legislation has yet been approved in this regard. We hope that the ministerial announcement will be formalized as soon as possible, the president said.

From the point of view of occupational safety, the infection of a teacher in an institution is considered an occupational disease, the suspicion of which must be reported by the receiving physician to the competent government office, in which case 100% of the fee must be paid. sick pay. The newspaper knows that editors can also help prove that the person may have contracted the infection in their workplace. The Ministry of Human Resources informed the Hungarian Nation that in possession of a positive laboratory result, at the initiative of the director of the institution, the competent capital or the county government office according to the location of the employer can establish that the teacher he found himself infected with Covid-19.

Incidentally, the Teachers’ Union reported two weeks ago that it knew three teachers who had been confirmed to have died from a coronavirus infection.

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Three-quarters of educators do not feel safe due to the epidemic
At home

Half of those surveyed have already encountered the coronavirus within the institution, and the measures are considered small, according to a Teachers’ Union survey.

It wouldn't make sense for teachers to get tested for coronavirus, according to Emmi
At home

Continuous testing of teachers would be meaningless, according to the ministry, because the testing shows only a momentary state. However, this is also true for all other medical tests, according to an expert who told RTL Híradó.