Previously, the Democratic Union of Teachers wrote that the money would not go automatically, and this was confirmed by the Secretary of State.

Teachers working in disadvantaged settlements do not have to apply for the gross recognition of HUF 500,000, the Klebelsberg Center (KK) said after the Democratic Teachers Union wrote on Friday that it is not a grant, the money can actually be earned from through a request.

According to the KK, the promotion information is false, colleagues working in the institutions involved – educators, special educators and employees who directly assist in education and training work – automatically participate in the project.

Participation is voluntary, so anyone can indicate if they do not want to join. It is also not true that teachers should administer more, or that they would simply be required to repay fees that have already been paid, they wrote.

According to the announcement, the Klebelsberg Center will implement the project on the basis of a call entitled “Support for the work of state public educational institutions in beneficiary settlements.” The objective of the call is to reduce student dropouts by supporting teachers who work in state public educational institutions in the affected settlements, as well as pedagogical tasks related to students studying in those institutions. The project recognizes that colleagues spend more time and attention with students to make up for delays.

The project will reward additional tasks performed within the framework of surveying, repeating and re-measuring extracurricular materials processed during the ordered digital work schedule in the 2019/2020 school year.

Miklós Kásler, Minister of Human Resources, announced on Wednesday that 10,500 teachers working in 400 disadvantaged settlements and a “colleague who helps education” will receive a one-time gross allocation of 500,000 forints to catch up with disadvantaged students.

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What action plan Hungarian schools received in case of epidemics was published
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The Democratic Union of Teachers (PDSZ) has been asking the government for this for weeks.

There is a week left to go to school, but there are still 1,000 teachers in the schools

According to the PDSZ advisor, the teaching career is no longer very attractive today.