Judit Varga will not be Minister of Justice for a while, but not for revenge, but for the holidays. For the illustrated post with a family photo, he wrote, you need a bit of offline silence to tune into the holidays. Varga last posted on Saturday, then shared that she was shopping at the market with her husband.

This week, by the way, the minister suggested that Facebook had deliberately restricted its social site due to a post, the intervention was denied by a spokesperson for the technology company.

Judit Varga shouted censorship, Facebook refutes, but can we believe in coincidences?

It deliberately restricted the Judit Varga community site from Facebook, as suggested by the Justice Minister, while a spokesperson for the tech company denied our newspaper that they had intervened. But is it really the intrigue of the Zuckerbergs, or perhaps Fidesz, learning from the case of Donald Trump, wants to start the 2022 elections with a Facebook law behind it?

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