Vera Jourová said she was observing the Hungarian government’s actions because the mainstream pressured her, the justice minister explained.

Judit Varga reacted to the fact that the Vice-President of the European Commission contested the statements of the Hungarian government. The government complains that according to Vera Jourová, the Hungarian empowerment law is not contrary to EU law, while Jourová told the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung in an interview that he had never said so. Furthermore, if we look at what has happened so far in Hungary, the legislation is very disturbing. After all, there are systemic changes in Hungarian politics that lead to the unlimited power of Fidesz and Viktor Orbán.

At the moment, there is no legal basis to initiate infringement procedures, but they are looking at what measures the Hungarian government is taking on the basis of special power and how they are implementing them. To this end, the EU leadership is in contact with Hungarian journalists and NGOs, Jourová said.

In response, the justice minister wrote on Facebook that the liberal mainstream “apparently put even more pressure on the actors, the first result of which” was Jourová’s interview. According to him, the EU Commissioner “returns to the well-known method that if they cannot be subject to specific legislation, they begin to discuss how to see what is happening in Hungary in their context.”

“People in Hungary may not need to comment on the vice president’s surreal statements that the media in Hungary are paralyzed and that the new criminal sentence for fear-mongering threatens journalists with five years in prison, for whom this exerts a enormous psychological pressure. “


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Vera Jourová is correcting Orban and underlines that in Brussels they are attentive to what Orban is doing with the rule of law.