All three opposition parties are at 9 percent, and support for Fidesz has dropped somewhat, according to the Republican Institute.

Support for Fidesz-KDNP decreased minimally in March: it lost one percent of the total population and among safe party voters, who currently stand at 29 and 45 percent, respectively, according to Republican Institute data, which was described by Telex. .

Fidesz’s support stagnated in the previous three months (at 30 and 46 percent, respectively), but was stronger in November last year (at 32 and 48 percent, respectively).

There is also a change in the opposition parties: Jobbik ranked next to the DK and Momentum within the total population (all three parties are at 9-9 percent), among the voters of the safe party, the DK leads in 14 percentage points and the other two parties at 13-13 percent. The order of strength came together in such a way that support for DK declined slightly, while that of Jobbik strengthened, the Momentum stalled. According to the Institute, Péter Jobbik Jakab may be strengthened due to his strong political role.

How did Jobbik get a big city voter in a few months?

After the 2019 EP elections, it seemed that DK and Momentum would compete to become the leader of the opposition, for several reasons: on the one hand, Jobbik, who had reached the National Assembly by 20 percent as the opposition party. stronger. , had been reduced to 6.34 percent in a few months, with which he was able to delegate a total of one MEP to the European Parliament, on the other hand, it did not bother much water in the national elections held shortly after, and the weak party in Budapest he simply missed the all-time mayoral election in Budapest for months.

The MSZP represents 6 percent of the total population (that is, if it runs alone, it enters Parliament), it would reach 9 percent among the party’s unsuspecting voters, which means a strengthening. The other parties represent 1 percent of the total population.

According to the Republic, the opposition coalition continues to be stronger than the Fidesz-KDNP among the general population (35-29 percent) and also among party voters (53-45 percent). The survey was conducted between March 18 and 25, with a telephone survey of 1,000 people.

Live with Péter Jakab: Ferenc Gyurcsány can change

Péter Jakab, Jobbik’s prime ministerial candidate, protested against Ferenc Gyurcsány in 2006, but in an interview with hvg360, he now says that the DK president must also have a chance to change. He called Gergely Christmas a good warrior, but did not know his ambitions, and said that he did not play with his own style, which he considered crude, it was like that.

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