The journalist feels that his sovereignty and professionalism have been neglected by the newspaper’s owners when he vetoed a personal decision.

László Seres, editor-in-chief of, which is of interest to the United Jewish Community of Hungary (EMIH), resigned. He announced his decision, which he wrote that he had matured into it for weeks, on his Facebook page.

According to Seres’ post, the final push was given by the fact that the owners of the company vetoed a personal decision: to replace his alternate and appoint another colleague to the position.

He wrote that he found the owners’ veto problematic for two reasons. “On the one hand, this ignores the sovereignty and professional knowledge of my editor-in-chief. I’d rather decide who I work with than not. Especially if the person is more of a historian than a journalist, and in recent months I have had to argue with him about the basic rules and values ​​of journalism and the ethics of the media ”.

He put it another way:

In this way, it also became clear to me that if the position of a subordinate of my subordinate to the NER is specified, then I have neither on him nor on me. However, it could not and could not participate in a net NER project in the future. Not even where, as I’ve seen in recent weeks, the expectation of ownership is the constant onslaught of another neological Jewish community. “

The outgoing editor-in-chief thanked Slövo Köves, head of EMIH, and Dániel Bodnár, a member of the organization’s board, but added that “he also contributed some articles for publication that he shouldn’t have.” He also indicated that he had reached the limit of his willingness to compromise.

She also commented: “My mom has always taught me that the most important thing in life is to be able to look at myself in the mirror every day. I will continue to do so. “

László Seres was a former employee of the HVG opinion section and is still published in the newspaper from time to time.

Neokohn’s editor-in-chief became the newspaper’s employee, A. Jonathan Megyeri.

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The Hungarian prime minister, who has often been accused of authoritarian, xenophobic and nationalist policies in the past 10 years, is being held accountable by Hungary’s largest Jewish religious organization for being lenient with a candidate previously known for his anti-Semitic statements, it reported. the New York-based news agency.

Stony Slomo: The

Peter Hamvay

Due to the unhealthy situation of suspicion, the left-wing media is no longer supported, said the chief rabbi of the United Hungarian Jewish Community in an interview with HVG. Köves Slomo also revealed that there will be a House of Destiny for the elections, the Americans have prepared the script for the exhibition.