Government MPs who testified to were disappointed by the epidemiological measures announced by the government on Tuesday. Many have already called for tougher action in previous weeks and do not understand why, despite the tragic deterioration in infection and mortality rates, the tightening continues to lag and why we no longer consider Austria a laboratory. Many also find it increasingly difficult to digest why they are singled out in soccer.

Staff from the Fidesz faction notified government representatives and electoral district presidents by SMS on Tuesday to monitor the prime minister’s Facebook page at night because Viktor Orbán is announcing important epidemiological measures.

Upon reading the message, several Fidesz politicians who spoke in our article a week ago sighed with relief. They told us a week ago that, in light of increasingly worrying numbers of infections and deaths, they felt tougher government action was warranted, and now that we had asked them again, they said they still trusted Tuesday afternoon in that the numbers were increasing at an even more shocking rate. Also convinced of the need to tighten. Or at least they hoped to hear their concerns, with which they also interpreted the fears of their constituents.

But it didn’t happen: The Prime Minister’s announcements on Tuesday night were greeted by all frustrated and incomprehensible respondents, with action taken since Wednesday (dance hall closings, breeze events, more frequent flights, free parking, and a price farewell from midnight to dawn). Steps were expected.

All due respect to the Chief anyway, but now I just held my head. I didn’t want to believe that

– a representative of expressed his disappointment to a representative of an area severely affected by the epidemic.


Although all politicians have recognized that there is an argument in favor of each measure, they generally consider it insufficient to curb the epidemic. A small proportion of those surveyed by our newspaper are still confident that only the first steps in an adjustment package will be those announced by the Prime Minister on Tuesday. However, most were surprised by the fact that the restrictions, which had been pushed by virologists for weeks and had been introduced much earlier in most EU member states, were still being postponed at home by the government.

The folks at Fidesz who came forward to would have agreed that it would have been good if the example from Austria, which Orbán had already called a laboratory in the spring, had followed the example from Hungary, where the schedules and scope of the stores had narrowed and restricted: weeks. Events have been prohibited since then: events, cinemas, theaters, exhibition halls, swimming pools, spas, sports centers and, in general, all the places where people can come into contact in greater numbers.

And above all, like a week before, most of the deputies were outraged that football matches could still be held in front of an audience.

I was hoping at least some kind of internal poll to be careful, we can’t ban goalkeeper open games during Fradi’s BL performance because according to research then we get carried away by popular anger. So I say it’s okay. But this is completely inexplicable to me, and I cannot explain it to my constituents, who see this as a red cloth. Where there are thousands, especially tens of thousands, of people in a place, it is contagious even if they behave normally, but then everything is there, isn’t it? Kisses, pats, hugs, they get into each other’s beer, what I know, maybe in the stadium. -that order is maintained, but not all police groups can have a policeman outside the door

A Fidesz who had long been swords under tighter restrictions sobbed.

Most politicians have found it understandable to the Prime Minister that a protracted epidemic should be expected in the absence of a vaccine and that a tighter shutdown could not be maintained for a longer period without the economy taking over, but rather a shutdown of 10 days, two or three weeks or a month. a European country has already intervened, they say it would definitely improve the increasingly dramatic situation.

The stricter restrictions would also be important, according to a deputy, because he sees that people in many places do not take danger seriously or put their own interests first: while, on the one hand, they say that they are besieging, mainly older people, or those who work in education or health. Those who fear their relatives, to choose substantive restrictions on Viktor Orbán, also receive half a dozen inquiries a day, in which event organizers, pension, hotel or restaurant owners ask for fear that the government will not order the ban events or restaurant closures.

Unfortunately, this is Hungarian. Until you are directly affected, there are not few shocking stories in your environment, in your family, you will not believe that it is important to follow the rules. Therefore, it must be “forced” – that is, forced with as many temporary restrictions as possible – to reduce contact and no longer live as if nothing had happened.

– the politician listed his arguments on

One of the MEPs hopes, and as if he had heard vague references from prime minister sources in Parliament on Monday, that, in light of the experience of the national tests in Slovakia, a similar comprehensive assessment can be carried out in Hungary. at a later date. , which could break the chains of infection and help prevent disasters. However, he said this could only be “done once” due to its resource-intensive nature, and as long as the experience in Slovakia could be summarized, more drastic epidemiological measures would be needed very quickly, even with a ban on exiting. house and school closings.

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At home

Not only are the medical chambers and virologists who have previously advised the government pushing for stricter epidemiological measures, but several representatives of Fidesz and KDNP are also reducing their protection, which is almost limited to wearing a mask. According to pro-government politicians interviewed by, the “life must go the old way” approach has become obsolete, and if Orbán still does not set reasonable restrictions, they will be asked to do so themselves.