Not only are medical chambers and virologists who have previously advised the government pushing for stricter epidemiological measures, but several representatives of Fidesz and KDNP are also reducing their protection, which is almost limited to wearing a mask. According to pro-government politicians interviewed by, the “life must go the old wheel” approach has become obsolete, and if Orbán still does not initiate reasonable restrictions, they will be asked to do so themselves.

“People expect everything to turn out as before. We cannot close the country, because if it stops, we will not take the word of a virus, but of it.” – He explained to a month ago, referring to the results of the national summer consultation repeatedly cited by Viktor Orbán, several pro-government representatives asked, based on the slow increase in infection and mortality data, if they would not consider measures justified. stricter anti-epidemic.

This was all a few days after the German epidemiological authority added two more Hungarian counties to the list of areas classified by risk after Budapest, because the total number of new confirmed infections in a week exceeded 50, and then Hungary is in the red in several non-EU and non-European countries. , that is, classified as quarantine.

To reduce the spread of the epidemic, almost all neighboring countries hardened on the same days: mass events were banned, the number of guests allowed in shops and restaurants was restricted, and in some places a curfew has been introduced. partial or a prohibition of abandonment. Meanwhile, the drastic increase in infections has forced tighter restrictions not only on neighboring countries, but also on most EU member states. The only country that seems to be facing the highway in the way it is experienced elsewhere is Hungary, where any event, even several (ten) thousand football matches, demonstrations and institutions, can still be attended without restrictions, and where the only effective measure against the epidemic continues to be the mandatory use of masks. , while the number of infections and deaths daily is three times higher than four weeks ago.

The Hungarian Medical Chamber (MOK) and the virologists who advised the government even during the first wave have been demanding an adjustment for weeks so that we do not rush, as one of them put it, like a fast train to our loss. And increasingly recent death records appear to be slowly passing the stimulus threshold from pro-government MPs: Four-fifths of Fidesz, who had had a normal life for a month, clearly defended the restrictions as soon as possible Wednesday. (We intentionally seek the same for our current article.)

I understand the need to pay attention to the economy, but not anymore. Wherever I go I hear that when we intervene, how many more have to die for something to finally happen?

– explained a representative of a large city in Transdanubia to our newspaper. The politician, while pointing out that he is very satisfied with Ferencváros’ football successes, finds it incomprehensible, regardless of the role of BL, that football matches continue to be held in front of the spectators at home, when he says that “apparently this is not the medium where participants discipline masks. rules ‘. The politician called it equally incomprehensible that the limit of 500 people imposed in the spring continues to apply only to musical events, while saying that “the whole country is full of crowded leisure, family and gastronomic events”, but nightclubs are “heavily revised”.

Another MP, who defended the country four weeks ago, said the most worrying thing was that compared to the spring, a much gentler wave in the spring, the government now seemed to have forgotten the most vulnerable older people: there would be no substantial economic damage if warned. As well as the fact that they could recover their commercial bar, which was closed in summer, so that they could at least avoid contact with asymptomatic infected young people.

You can see that wearing a mask is no longer enough. In spring we would shout a wolf when it was not really here, everyone was careful, they washed their hands day and night, they disinfected themselves, they did not crawl unnecessarily, avoiding encounters. But they are tired, let them go; We cannot simply rely on their sense of responsibility or perseverance to see if they get sick.

– The politician explained to, clearly advocating a central tightening aimed at minimizing contacts.

A member of a faction representing a small village district told that he found no similar voices due to the characteristics of the constituency; in his few hundred enthusiastic villages, he said that riot was not a known phenomenon in the shop, so but given the national trend, he himself would be in favor of toughening up, even though he is a sports fan, even in connection with sporting events.

Although the closure of schools in neighboring countries and the shift to digital education have been identified by almost all respondents as measures to avoid, there were those who said this should be done if the experience of the fall break at the end of the week shows that the situation was improved by the fact that the masses of schoolchildren did not know each other and did not transmit or continue the infections even asymptomatically. This could be seen approximately from the epidemiological data observed in two weeks, if the government does not take more restrictive measures by then, the MP, interpreting the opinions of several of the members of his faction, said that he would raise them with the Prime Minister himself. .

Covid-19 at Fidesz

During the epidemic, he doesn’t spare politicians either: after Judit Varga, who turned out to be coronavirus a week ago, another prominent pro-government politician was found to have contracted the infection on Thursday: Hungarian nationwhich produced a positive test. Several members of government parties have been infected before – István Hollik, communications director of Fidesz, was revealed at the end of August, so that several members of the government who participated in the same event a few days earlier, including Gergely Gulyás, Csaba, the parliamentary secretary of state in the Prime Minister’s Office, was also quarantined. The virus was contracted by various government officials in addition to themselves, such as Ministerial Commissioner István Grezsa and an unidentified Prime Minister. According to his information, he also connected to a fan, which was confirmed by Gergely Gulyás in government information last week. Lénárd Borbély, the Fidesz mayor of Csepel, is also in hospital with a bilateral pneumonia caused by the virus, he was 39 years old and, despite claiming to exercise regularly, take vitamins and do everything possible to prevent infection . By the way, we tried to find out in a letter from the mayor whether, in the light of his personal experience, he considered it necessary to toughen the current anti-epidemic measures, but – partly in reference to his hospital treatment – he did not want to comment.

The most important question at the moment, however, is how the prime minister himself is or is in quarantine. According to, Viktor Orbán met with the director of the National Theater, Attila Vidnyánszky, on Monday at the National Council of Culture, who turned out to be coronavirus on Tuesday. Although the prime minister has certainly been tested, there is no news yet on his outcome or the prime minister’s status. Bertalan Havasi, Viktor Orbán’s press officer, wrote at our request on Tuesday only that “the prime minister’s programs are always organized and carried out in full compliance with current epidemiological regulations.” .

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