Judit Varga and Péter Szijjártó also watched HírTV and yelled a betrayal, because the instant representative admitted that he was speaking with Vera Jourova on the phone.

According to a video featured on Hír Tv’s Friday evening program, Anna Donáth is in constant consultation with Vera Jourova, vice president of the European Commission responsible for the rule of law. The recording was made in a videoconference of Donáth’s party, Momentum, and according to the official channel, it reads: “I’m looking for a lot. Well, the issue of the rule of law would belong to me. They look at us, you know, but Vera Jourová is a of the vice-presidents of the committee on the one hand, and the rule of law is part of their portfolio on the other. “

Vera Jourová became a public enemy at Fidesz at the same time that the European Commission presented its assessment of the rule of law, in which the panel strongly criticized Hungary. However, in an interview, the Czech politician said that the Orban system was not illiberal but sick. illiberal instead sick).

Following a Hír TV report, Justice Minister Judit Varga wrote on Facebook that Donáth denied in his television debate that he consulted closely with Jourova and later accused him of “this is when someone represents the interests of Brussels both in Brussels and in Budapest” .

How is this? 1.) In our joint live television debate, Anna Donáth, instant MEP, denies the country-world …

Posted by Varga Judit on Friday, October 9, 2020

Foreign Minister Péter Szijjártó, who spoke directly to HírTV about the fact that the leaked footage was “another autumn speech by the entire opposition”, “a major sin”, “treason”, said it more forcefully. In addition, at a time when “we had to fight bloody for respirators, masks to protect people’s lives and health, to protect people’s work,” he added with a very listened voice, although it is not clear what that has to do with it. the rule of law with that.

The ever-on-the-go chancellor spoke not only with HírTV, but also with the Czech newspaper Lidové Noviny, where he had already explained that Jourová was only informed by liberal opposition sources and “completely ignored the facts.”

The report on the rule of law is, of course, not the Vice-President’s personal work, and it is not only he who is responsible, but Belgian Commissioner Didier Reynders. You can read more about the material compiled by the experts here.

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