Péter Szijjártó carried out another “army review”, Lajos Kósa did not confirm the peak of the epidemic on May 3. Tímea Szabó’s first speech was applauded, and László Kövér spoke roughly in the second final.

The Parliament session began with a speech by Péter Szijjártó, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade, on Monday. The head of ministry thanked the health workers and then reported on the purchase of equipment. He said that the health protection equipment was transported in the last week with 21 planes and 3 trucks. broken down:

  • 22.5 million health masks have been received, the vast majority of which are surgical masks, 1.8 million giving greater protection. So far, a total of almost 73 million masks have arrived in the country, with another 75 million hired.
  • 220 fans arrived, along with 538 new imported machines.
  • 50,000 tests were also conducted, bringing the number of import tests to over 402,000.
  • 10.6 million glasses, caps and protective clothing were purchased.
  • Enough medicine has been received from China to treat 4,000 people,

Political groups were able to react briefly to the ministerial speech. Gergely Arató The DK politician began by saying that they could “admire the Szijjártó production accounts” but did not know about the really important issues. He asked if they were really expecting the epidemic to peak on May 3 (as Prime Minister Viktor Orbán had revealed during a visit to the hospital over the weekend) and why they would start graduating on 4.

He also noted that while Miklós Kásler talks about the low number of infections and deaths, why we lose every 10 patients.

If the data is really good, as they claim, why is it necessary to expel people from the hospital in an inhuman way?

Until they talk about it, they have no credit for the government’s decisions, ”Reaper said.

Tímea Szabó The dialogue politician began by saying: “Viktor Orbán has not dared to put his photo here for a month,” he does not dare to report on what is happening in the country. He also noted that Hungary has the highest death rate in the world (by the time they roared from Fidesz’s ranks), and then asked if he had the protective gear and why so many people died.

Where do the masks go?

When he said that a mask had been sent to Transylvania, Croatia, the government side began to applaud, not stopping until the end of Szabo’s speech.

With stormy applause, I didn’t know what to do

– said László Kövér, president of the Chamber, but gave Szabo no more time. “What a shame, you sabotaged my speech,” said Szabo.

The LMP László László Keresztes In addition to Szijjártó, other ministers would have a seat in parliament, and while the acquisition of assets is important, there are signs that the internal distribution is not right, even the pro-government mayor complains that they do not get a mask.

The KDNP István Hollik grateful for asset purchases

The fidesz Lajos Kósa responded to Gergely Arató’s speech: he said that there was no prophet working for the government,

therefore, like no one else in the world, we don’t know when the epidemic peaks, there is only one estimate.

He was surprised that Tímea Szabó asked why we were giving a few thousand 77 million masks across the border.

This insensitivity is shocking, brotherly, friendly, humanitarian aid does not mean anything to you.

He then added Szijjártó to the extent that these devices had to be combated.

The right man László György Lukács he referred again to the empowerment law: I see, Parliament is sitting, with so much power that they could have calmly decided on the government’s provisions. He asked why the XII. masks (Mayor Zoltán Pokorni spoke to HVG360 about this), according to him, social and police workers would also need masks. According to Luke, more should be tried,

now we are walking in the dark, we do not know how many patients, this gives false security.

President and faction leader of the MSZP, Bertalan Tóth According to him, we should already be talking about how many masks were distributed: several socialist politicians visited the warehouse where millions of pieces are stored last week.

After the quick round, the speeches before the normal agenda began, which was started by Tímea Szabó. He dictated the dictatorship, saying: “Orbán uses the death and severe suffering of the people to steal even more, to annihilate local governments”, then criticized Miklós Kásler because patients with end-stage cancer and amputee patients were sent to their homes from hospitals to free beds.

László Kövér spoke during the last seconds and warned him

what you have to say is not aggravated by the pub tone you use.

According to him, Szabo’s immodesty went beyond all borders. Csaba Dömötör The Secretary of State responded to the speech, spoke about the responsibility of Mayor Gergely Karácsony, said that 223 people from the residents and workers of the nursing home on Pest Street were infected and 23 died. This is a focal point, said Dömötör, who also wonders when Szabó will celebrate Christmas in this style due to “austerity”.

Ferenc Gyurcsány President DK also spoke, saying

Based on the decisions of the past few weeks, he sees the government as brave but blind and irresponsible.

You have yet to see expert analysis supporting the release of 36,000 hospital beds, you don’t understand what’s behind this. He quoted the leader of the Fidesz faction of Makó municipality, who, according to Gyurcsány, wrote that most of the patients inside were “stationed” by families only there. According to Gyurcsány, this is not true, and if the minister says that only those who do not need hospital care are sent home, what kind of health and hospital management is this?

He doesn’t know what will happen to the people sent home, nor does he understand why he should celebrate his graduation on May 4 if Orbán says the epidemic peaked the day before.

It is not established in the Scriptures that graduation takes place in early May

– He said, and recommended that the government speak with representatives of students and teachers so that they can choose the best solution.

Secretary of State Csaba Dömötör said the government perceived the severity of the epidemic in time and made the appropriate decisions, and the opposition panicked. Also, if I had gone to Gyurcsány, the benefit would have been paid,

All patients, even those with coronaviruses, must reach their pockets.

In response to another speech, Secretary of State Bence Rétvári also argued in favor of releasing hospital beds, surely no one would want a relative to remain in a hospital where a patient with coronavirus is being cared for on one level or ward. It refused to have the largest number of victims of the coronavirus here in proportion, although it was not opposed by members of parliament, that is, not the patients, but the entire population.

President Jakab Péter Jobbik said that due to government inaction, the entire country is living on the brink of insecurity. In other countries, economic rescue packages were created as soon as possible, and this would also be necessary at home.

If the jobs are not protected, they will cause tragedy. Don’t you want to protect the country from misery?

According to James, you don’t need historical announcements, but actions and a strong social network. Jobseeker’s Allowance, Family Allowance must be increased, at least during the epidemic, and a bill moratorium is also needed.

On behalf of the government, Minister Péter Szijjártó responded, saying they still want to focus on protecting jobs, not aid. He does not understand why the opposition does not demand that current jobs be maintained and new ones be created.

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At the request of the MSZP. Minister Gergely Gulyás also applauded.

T. R.

There is no one in the House who earns less than 1.1 million a month. Most of them are brought home by László Kövér, their salary is almost 3 million forint. In neighboring Slovenia, salaries for parliamentarians and ministers will be cut by 30 percent at the time of the epidemic.


Health workers applauded in Parliament – video

At the request of the MSZP. Minister Gergely Gulyás also applauded.