According to Emmi, what has been spent on the institutions of the Hungarian Evangelical Brotherhood in the last decade and a half will not pay off.

This school year, he will receive half of the previous additional support, 95 million guilders, after the educational institutions of the Hungarian Evangelical Brotherhood led by Gábor Iványi, but next year this amount will also be deducted – he writes

In the organization’s bulletin this Thursday, Iványi wrote that Zoltán Maruzsa, Secretary of State for Education, informed him of the decision on August 5, which according to the pastor was “because they do not believe that what has been spent in the institutions educational MET for the last fifteen years bear fruit. Furthermore, they cannot measure educational level ”.

MET maintains several kindergartens, primary and secondary schools in Budapest and in disadvantaged areas of the country.

Gábor Iványi: I am very tired, but I will not give up

The founding pastor of the Hungarian Evangelical Brotherhood and the president of the Charitable Protection Association fear that the future of Hungary will be lost, because now we are going to sleep with what is happening and we will not be able to get up and stand on our own feet. But he says he has only one goal: to live his life without suffering spiritual damage.

According to the pastor’s letter, the ministry complained that the MET institutions had returned a low rate of “non-mandatory family history index surveys” to the Office of Education and therefore “could not measure or compare the results. with other similar institutions “. Iványi argued that hundreds of children had completed eight classes with them, many had graduated or had a profession, and also suggested that

Since a large proportion of them come from extreme poverty, why shouldn’t there be some kind of good return from other support provided by the school, such as family care, social management, aftercare, mental health assistance (meals, clothes and even family help, especially in winter and food packages) ”.

According to his letter, Maruzsa insisted that “this could also be a kind of look.” recalled that in 2012 the government concluded a five-year public education contract with the Hungarian Evangelical Brotherhood, which has been extended annually since its expiration. Now, according to Iványi, Maruzsa offered him that they could get half the subsidy one last time if he agreed not to sign a new contract later. Furthermore, the Secretary of State allegedly raised the question that if the institutions could not operate, the state was willing to maintain them.

Gábor Iványi will go back to the European Court of Human Rights

The Hungarian Evangelical Brotherhood was deprived of its ecclesiastical rights in 2011, after which the people of Iványi went to various judicial forums, including the ECHR, condemning the state in vain. The rights were not recovered. Now they will try again.

The newspaper contacted the Ministry of Human Resources in the case, from whom it received the reply that based on the August 5 agreement, half of the additional support, 95 million florins, will be delivered to the MET, and only for this academic year. “We also indicate to the MET that they should not expect this additional support from the 2021-2022 school year, they must ensure the operation of the institution from the forms of support specified in the legislation,” the ministry’s response quoted the article recalling that the government and the MET have been fighting since the 2011 Ecclesiastical Act deprived the organization of its ecclesiastical status.

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Iványi: Yes Hitler's rotten apples, Orban's moldy hazelnuts, but none are in the Christmas basket

Peter Hamvay

Gáspár Orbán should have denied his father’s help as much as San Francisco, says Gábor Iványi. In an interview with HVG, the pastor also talks about his relationship with Orbán, the SZDSZ and the situation of the churches.

Gábor Iványi, Jenő Setét and László Bogdán also received the Wallenberg Prize

At home

The Raoul Wallenberg Awards were presented on Wednesday in Budapest. The name of the Swedish diplomat who saved thousands of Hungarian Jews during the crisis, those who “set an example of humanism” and did much for their disadvantaged and discriminated human beings, said József Sebes, president of the Raoul Wallenberg Association.