News surfaced of nearly 40 million state scholarships for Viktor Orbán’s son, but the press close to the government had already fled early to begin to emphasize that virtually anyone could receive one. Since the news broke, they have been trying to pretend critics are complaining that many Hungarian soldiers are participating in training abroad.

As in cases of embarrassment for the government in general, a unified narrative has now been born from the government media in the case of the state scholarship of Viktor Orbán’s son.

As is known, two months after taking the oath in the summer of 2019 and becoming a professional soldier, Gáspár Orbán began his studies at the British Military Elite School, the Royal Military Academy of Sandhurst. A few days ago, also received information that the prime minister’s son was studying at an elite university, so we submitted our public interest request to the government – we were curious to confirm or refute this information and based on what criteria was selected by HM. which Hungarian citizens will receive this scholarship. We received no reply.

However, Telex, which brought the news of Gáspár Orbán’s studies abroad on Thursday, warned that the Public Service News Company had released relevant material on Wednesday night, in which they assure that “almost two hundred Hungarian soldiers they have participated in international training in recent years. ” Mention was also made of Sandhurs, emphasizing that the patinated institution can be entered by anyone who meets the high standards, and the course of this can be found on the side of the Army.

Gáspár Orbán’s name was not mentioned, but since the whole story has been published since then, it has also changed. No one denies that Orbán’s son, who started out as a footballer, was given this opportunity, but the KESMA newspapers uniformly misinterpret what happened: as if the independent press kicked out that Hungarian soldiers often train abroad, and the problem It would not be that almost immediately after the start of his military career, the prime minister’s son was transferred from public funds to one of the best academies in the world.

Here are the titles of the relevant articles in the three KESMA publications:

Origo: the left is now attacking the Hungarian army

Magyar Nemzet: This time the left was bad for the army

888: the left now has a problem with Hungarian soldiers receiving training abroad

In addition, Magyar Nemzet refers to Origó when stating that not only Gáspár Orbán, but in recent years about two hundred Hungarian soldiers have participated in international school training in recent years, although it is not denied that this training cost about 40 million euros. florins in the case of Orbán. This last information was not described by Origo, the source.

Due to the slightly different style of the three posts, he describes in a changing tone that nothing is sacred to the left: 888 talks about the left parting from the tournament, Origo and Magyar Nemzet focus on how serious this opportunity is for everyone. scholarship.

The governmental universe outside of KESMA presents history in a changing way: the Pest Guys, for example, were the last to be sworn in by Gáspár Orbán, but Magyar Hírlap brings the now familiar line of thought in his article The Left Attacks Now the Armed forces. Unlike the others, they address the issue a little more: in the links on the cover they mention that according to Fidesz, Ágnes Vadai, who asked about Gáspár Orbán, has a personal responsibility in the dismantling of the army, István Hollik’s reaction to the Ágnes Vadai’s attempt to attack Viktor Orbán, and readers will also know that the Defense Ministry rejects the accusations of the left-wing deputies.

The government itself did not react very differently: Gergely Gulyás said in government information on Thursday that Gáspár Orbán’s name was avoided, 160 soldiers could receive international training, and the Defense Ministry reacted in a statement. The Prime Minister’s son is not mentioned in this report either, but he emphasizes the accessibility of training for anyone and, in the end, indicates that “left-wing MPs and their children have the same opportunity to run for the Armed Forces.”

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Gáspár Orbán was able to study at an elite British school as a fellow of the Ministry of Defense
At home

Viktor Orbán’s son completed a nine-month training course worth nearly 40 million florins at the Royal Sandhurst Military Academy. asked the Defense Ministry about this three days ago, but we did not receive a response from the Ministry.