
Teen Victoria

The country closed this week, schools switched to digital education, infection records fell steadily during the third wave of the coronavirus epidemic, and more people than ever used respirators. Gergely Gulyás, Minister in charge of the Prime Minister’s Office, and Alexandra Szentkirályi, Government Spokesperson, will report to Government Information on new government decisions.

Our article is constantly updated.

After the government meeting on Wednesday, Gergely Gulyás started the Government Info with the presentation of the decisions taken there. The minister in charge of the prime minister said he had dealt exclusively and exclusively with defense against lichen, with data showing that the third wave is on the rise. Therefore, the government continues to urge everyone to adhere to strict rules, only by reducing contacts can further deterioration be prevented.

Vaccination is the only area for which good news can be given: the number of people vaccinated is 1,150,000 and 11.34 percent of the population has already received at least one vaccine. This is the second best figure in the European Union. A few hours ago, another 450,000 vaccines were introduced from China.

Vaccination of the elderly can be completed at Easter, but depending on how many register, they are also asked to vaccinate themselves.

Goulash called everyone’s attention not to turn the vaccination issue into a political issue and again accused the left of anti-vaccination.

Those who do not get vaccinated from Ferenc Gyurcsány may die, he warned.

Vaccine contracts were also discussed at the government meeting and it was decided that

Chinese and Russian vaccine contracts will be made public within 24 hours.

This is how they want to strengthen public trust.

Contracts in Brussels cannot be made public, but given the amount currently tied up, it can be said with certainty that the population over 18 can be vaccinated one and a half times, even if everyone requests it. The government has also written to the European Commission to make the EU treaties public.

The economy was also discussed, Gergely Gulyás admitted that many people in the service sector have difficulties with strict measures. They do not want to leave anyone on the side of the road, so the wage subsidy has been extended to all affected areas throughout March: they are exempt from paying employer contributions and social taxes, rent (in state or municipal premises) and they are exempt from paying KATA for the entire month of March. Everyone will be eligible to apply for the HUF 10 million fast restart loan.

The amount of wage subsidies paid so far is HUF 50 billion 618 million, and a total of HUF 50 billion 857 has been claimed so far, which is almost 99 percent.

The next questions

TO Hungarian nation they were asked the first question, but they were not asked about the evolution of the epidemic but about the Democratic Coalition. According to Gulyás, the opposition party makes false statements, because citizens with dual nationality do not have the right to vaccination in Hungary by themselves, it is only for those who have a Hungarian TAJ number and pay TB here. According to the minister, DK should stop collecting signatures against Chinese vaccination because any such action would hamper the defense.

They are trying to have the best possible relationship with the European Union, but it is sad that they made a false statement about the hiring of Moderna, so the Hungarian government would at least expect an apology. Goulash said that they would be happy to reveal the price of the EU vaccines, but that they could not. However, he said that the price of oriental vaccines:

2 doses of the Russian vaccine cost 17 euros (6,400 guilders) and from China 63 euros (22,400 guilders).

(It takes two doses of both to vaccinate a person.)

Below is the legal relationship of the health service, Gulyás describes the numbers here too: a total of 727 doctors did not sign their new contract, but 420 new entrants also arrived, so “only” 300 doctors left the state care. It is true that they did so during the worst of the epidemic, and those who stayed told that they felt humiliated.

Can it be opened at Easter? Asks the ATV. Gulyás can only say that the government will assess the impact of the closures so far next week, until then he cannot comment responsibly. He managed to graduate last year, they hope this will be the case this year too, but in what way, only the viral situation at the time can tell.

Gergely Gulyás said that he had already been vaccinated and received Sputnik.

Alexandra Szentkirályi has yet to take place.

The Hungarian protection card was not included in the vaccination because it is not necessary. By the way, the card will be given to those interested after the first vaccination and will be sent in a few weeks.

Questions have also been received from the European People’s Party, but Gulyás has avoided them by saying that they are now busy with the epidemic situation. Orbán also spoke with Viktor Matteo Salvini and the Poles because they want a new right-wing party that can occupy the position of the democratic right in Europe. They will not negotiate with any extremist party, but the relationship with the Italians and the Poles is also excellent, they are really groping in that direction, the minister acknowledged.

The government has every chance to bring the action for the rule of law before the Court of Justice of the European Union today.

Asked by RTL Klub, Gulyás said that 196,000 people were vaccinated over the weekend. From AstraZeneca, the first dose was administered to 16,000 of the planned 74,000 people, with the rest to be replenished this week. Therefore, no investigation is needed, “this should be the biggest mistake,” he added.

Another very important decision was made: the government decided

All pregnant women can give birth to a doctor of their choice, whose conditions must be determined by the Ministry of Human Resources. Maternity care can also be used in private care with the same gynecologist, who will later give birth in a public hospital.

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Government information: close all schools, kindergartens, most shops and services
At home

The country is closing, schools are switching to digital education, and stores are rolling down the blinds for two weeks.

A year later, but more powerful than anyone: this is how our lives have changed under a special legal order

Teen Victoria
At home

The coronavirus epidemic has changed not only our daily lives, but also our laws: exactly one year ago, so that Hungarians also know in what special legal order to live. However, the full power was used by the Orbán government not only to save lives but also to embitter them, it would be difficult to explain, at least in some other way, some of its laws passed in a special situation. However, in addition to mistakes and haste, there were, of course, well-taken measures.