So far we have been able to enjoy the unusually mild winter, next weekend it could be as low as 10 degrees.

Winter will also arrive in the first week of January: next week the weather will be cooler and in some places more wintry. Snowfall and snowfall are expected multiple times, and on weekends it can be minus 10 degrees, according to the national medium-term forecast from the National Weather Service. What kind of weather do we expect for tomorrow?

Monday Overwhelmingly cloudy weather is expected. In the afternoon, the precipitation will stop everywhere except Little Plain. However, starting in the afternoon, it will rain again on the Trans-Tisza. The temperature ranges between 0 and plus 5 degrees Celsius during the coldest hours and between 4 and 10 degrees Celsius during the day.

On Tuesday Mostly cloudy, humid and occasionally foggy, but during the day the clouds temporarily subside. At first it can rain in various places in the east, then more and more only in the northeast, and in the afternoon it can be expected in the southwest and west, in the foothills of the Alps, in the mountains. A minimum temperature of 0 to plus 5 and a maximum temperature of plus 3 to 8 degrees is likely.

On Wednesday at sunrise and sunset in various places, sporadic rains during the day, snowfalls in the north and northwest, snowfalls in the mountains. In some places, the wind can get stronger. The lowest temperature is between minus 1 and plus 3, and the highest temperature is between plus 2 and 9 degrees.

Thursday initially in several places, then in the northeast a mixed precipitation is expected; The wind is getting stronger in various places, increasing in stormy places. The minima are between minus 2 and plus 3, the maximum values ​​are between plus 1 and 6 degrees.

Friday and Saturday the sky will also change clouds. Major precipitation is unlikely. In the coldest hours, the temperature is usually between minus 5 and plus 1 degrees on Fridays, minus 10 and minus 4 degrees on Saturdays, but it can also be colder in snowy landscapes protected from the wind. On Fridays the air warms between 0 and plus 5 degrees during the day, and on Saturday between minus 2 and plus 3 degrees.

Sunday there may be snow in some places. The lowest temperature will be between minus 10 and minus 4, and the highest daytime temperature will be between minus 2 and plus 3 degrees.

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We can expect cloudy, cloudy and rainy weather on Sunday
At home

After the rainy and rainy weather on Saturday, we can’t expect a much better time on Sunday either.

Food prices could go up a lot next year

Miklós Lengyel

This is predicted by a Forbes expert citing weather forecasts.