In an interview with, the foreign minister emphasized that members of the government would not be required to be vaccinated against the coronavirus, and explained why he or Viktor Orbán would not be among the first to be vaccinated. There was also talk of a Russian and Chinese vaccine.

Coronavirus: the second wave, the second closure

Later than expected by many, but in mid-November, the Hungarian government also decided to try to curb the second wave of the coronavirus epidemic by introducing restrictions. At the time of the decision, 5,000 new infections had been identified per day and the number of deaths from the virus was mostly between 50 and 100 in 24 hours. The first step is partial closure, but how effective it is is questionable. Follow our news!

Gergás Gulyás was interviewed by a journalist from in a marathon interview. During the conversation, the case of József Szájer, the names of Ferenc Gyurcsány and of course György Soros were also discussed, but most of the words were about vaccination.

According to Gulyás, compared to the leaders of many other countries, the Hungarian political elite is not among the first to be vaccinated because it would be taken by the public with a bad reputation.

This shows the differences in domestic politics, because in Hungary, if a politician were among the first to vaccinate, so that only a few thousand vaccines are available at the moment, he would not stay in office for long due to anger. popular …

He added that they will vaccinate him with the vaccine that he will have. “Neither the United States, nor European countries, nor China, I suppose, would vaccinate millions of their own citizens with a vaccine that is harmful to health (…) The risk of any licensed vaccine is incomparably less than that of the virus” .

He stressed that the government has supplied enough vaccines to 8.5 million people as part of the EU acquisitions and is also in talks with China to buy more vaccines. “So Hungary will have a lot to vaccinate,” he said.

Although 6,000 Russian vaccines arrived in Hungary to be tested over the weekend, the chancellor stressed that the mass vaccines could only be shipped to Hungary “within EU purchases or from China” because “Russia does not have sufficient production capacity” .

They also talked about how much it can be guaranteed in the future that everyone can give the vaccine voluntarily. The minister who heads the prime minister has previously said that after mass vaccination, there will be rules that will differentiate between vaccinated and unvaccinated. An journalist tried to find out if the vaccine could be prescribed in Hungary cinemas, theaters, or festival organizers that only guests vaccinated against coronavirus can enter, or if the government is taking any action to prevent it.

Gergely Gulyás responded that “although the government has not made such a decision, if someone has been vaccinated, the quarantine obligation does not make sense at the border crossing. If one looks at the plans and regulations of the airlines, it is easy to see there will be such a distinction in some areas of life “.

When asked if the government is planning a binding regulation to regulate the issue, he replied that “vaccination cannot be compulsory. In principle, vaccination is voluntary.”

He gave an evasive answer to the assumption that if the government does not make a separate decree, it is most likely that those who do not get vaccinated will not be able to go to sporting events, festivals, they will not be able to board a plane. “Consequences can only be extended as long as necessary to protect the health and lives of others,” he said in response. However, in a previous interview with, an expert from the Society for Freedoms put it this way: “If the government does not make vaccination mandatory, it must create a situation where the election actually stands. and people are not under pressure. “

According to Gulyás, those who receive the vaccine will not have additional rights, and he believes that the airlines will presumably have uniform European regulations. “The question is what does the state have to do with it. I think there will be uniform regulation when the vaccine is available to everyone.”

As stated: the government expects

In the first half of the year, at best during the first trimester, there will already be enough vaccines available for anyone who wants them.

He added that there are no plans to make a list – like the Spaniards – of those who refuse to be vaccinated, but it is likely that there are countries that, for example, only allow someone to enter with a vaccination card. When asked if there would be a vaccine passport, he replied, “there must be some kind of authentic proof.”

He stressed that members of the government also volunteered to vaccinate.

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