education – higher education

Viktor Orbán’s son completed a nine-month training course worth nearly 40 million florins at the Royal Sandhurst Military Academy. asked the Defense Ministry about this three days ago, but we did not receive a response from the Ministry.

Two months after taking the oath in the summer of 2019 and becoming an officer soldier, Gáspár Orbán, son of Viktor Orbán, began his studies at the British Military Elite School, the Royal Military Academy of Sandhurst (RMAS). Telex writes that Gáspár Orbán completed the 9-month training on December 11.

The list of graduates of the academy is usually published in the Daily Telegraph, the January 1 edition also includes Gáspár Orbán, the portal noted.

Népszava wrote on January 11 that three Hungarian citizens had completed the course at the Royal Military Academy in Sandhurst. This document was also confirmed by the Ministry of Defense. According to information from the Ministry, due to the coronavirus, all the students of the institution had to interrupt their studies, so the three Hungarians also traveled home. Orbán was able to graduate in December, although depending on the start of the course, this could have happened months earlier.

Telex writes that

Gáspár Orbán studied at the Academy as a fellow of the Ministry.

According to the portal, the price of the course – according to data from 2015 – is 93 thousand pounds per person, at the current exchange rate more than 37 million guilders.

Viktor Orbán’s son took office as an officer on August 20, 2020, at the inauguration ceremony in Kossuth Square, which is customary.

Graduated from the Royal Military Academy of Sandhurst, Enrique, Grand Duke of Luxembourg, Alajos, heir to the throne of Liechtenstein, Hamad, King of Bahrain, II. Abdullah, King of Jordan, several Sheikhs from Kuwait, a member of the government, Emir, current Emir of Qatar, Tamim and several Sheikhs from the United Arab Emirates.

Telex contacted Gáspar Orbán, who has not yet responded, as did the Ministry of Defense, the Prime Minister’s Office and the Royal Military Academy of Sandhurst did not respond to the portal.

After a few days ago, also learned that Viktor Orbán’s son had been sent to the British Academy as one of the Hungarian Armed Forces Fellows, contacted the Ministry of Defending. As part of a request for data of public interest, we were interested to know if this information would be confirmed or refuted, and based on what criteria the Ministry of Education selected which Hungarian citizens would receive this scholarship. However, the ministry did not respond to our request at all.

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Gáspár Orbán received training from an elite corps
At home

The prime minister’s son is not yet a member of the elite formation, he needs more training, but has completed the basic training with them.

The military are increasingly popular in the Fidesz families, Gáspár Orbán is also an example


Many young people participate in the volunteer army, some have found a community, others are sent by their families. Recently, the prime minister’s son was also presented as a dollar for contract.