The Budapest decree approved on Monday will take effect and the wearing of a mask will be mandatory in several new community venues.

Stricter rules on wearing masks came into effect in Budapest on Friday morning due to the second wave of the coronavirus epidemic, and violators of the obligation to wear masks can be fined up to 15,000 HUF.

On Monday, the Metropolitan Assembly decided that, in addition to taxis, public transport, shops, shopping centers and markets, noses and mouths should be mandatory in cinemas and theaters, concerts and circus shows, as well as in the closed spaces of institutions Similar and condominium assemblies. wear a mask.

If someone does not wear a mask properly or does not wear a mask, they may be subject to an on-site fine of up to 8,000 HUF or an administrative fine of up to 15,000 HUF.

A fine can be imposed on the spot if the person in question does not comply with the rules for wearing the mask.

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Budapest is on the quarantine list in Germany
At home

But Vienna has also been added to the list of risk areas in Germany.