At home: Fidesz has now crossed the separate list of opposition plans


The Parliamentary Justice Commission supported the amendment to nominate 71 individual candidates for the national list. If this is also accepted by Parliament, the opposition will have no choice but to have a common list.

The electoral law will be significantly modified if Parliament also approves the proposal voted in committee on Tuesday. The pro-government majority of the board voted in favor of the amendment by the former right-wing and currently independent MP János Volner that proposes that only one party nominate candidates independently in at least 14 counties and at least 71 individual constituencies in the capital you can nominate a national list. DK’s László Sebián-Petrovszki informed Telex about the vote. The representative also told that Secretary of State Pál Völner, who was present at the committee meeting and represented the government, also supported the proposal, after which committee members voted in favor.

Before the bill is voted on, there may be a round, a meeting of the Legislative Committee, where an amendment to the bill can also be presented, but Sebian-Petrovszki does not expect the rule to be relaxed after today’s session.

This version is rougher than the one presented by the government in the first round, since it would have allowed nominations in 9 counties and 50 individual candidates. The government’s original proposal would not have prevented the opposition from running on two lists in the elections, but Volner’s already did, with a total of 106 individual electoral districts.

In the explanatory memorandum for the proposal, the government argued that the law should be amended to curb abuses of its institutional campaign finance system, in part in response to indications from parliamentary parties. In essence, János Volner argued the same thing. We asked Fidesz why they supported the proposal and if they could be expected to vote in Parliament by the time the group’s press department wrote that

The proposal has yet to be discussed by the group, but we will consider any amendments that help combat camouflage parties.

Political analyst Gábor Török very briefly commented on Facebook:

Someone here really wants a common list …

Opposition parties have demanded the withdrawal of the government amendment before, before Fidesz politician Csaba Hende cooled down in the general debate by saying that

the draft does not hinder or hinder the actual opposition in any way.

This was only true because the opposition would not have known on three lists, which it did not want anyway, but after the János Volner amendment, Hende’s argument no longer stops, because not all opposition parties have thought so far in a common list.
