According to the ministry, those infected are in quarantine and do not pose a threat to anyone.

Coronavirus: the second wave

Half a year after the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic in the spring, the second wave of the pandemic has arrived. The radical increase in the number of infected is forcing more and more countries to re-impose restrictions, despite the fact that the world economy has not even recovered from the effects of the spring outbreak. According to the posters, the second wave also reached Hungary. Follow our news!

On Tuesday, the school year of almost one and a half million schoolchildren and preschoolers began in the traditional working hours of almost 6,000 institutions of the public education system, reported the Ministry of Human Resources (Emmi).

In a dozen institutions, they have knowledge of one or two people infected with coronavirus who are in quarantine, so they do not pose a threat to students or educators.

Therefore, teaching has begun in these places, but the respective institutions will be closely monitored in the coming days, they indicated.

It was also reported that an out-of-class digital work schedule had not yet been ordered.

According to the ministry, two schools and two kindergartens have extraordinary breaks, and one school has one working day without teaching.

The National Center for Public Health, the Ministry of Human Resources, the Office of Education and the Klebelsberg Center are constantly monitoring the development of the infection and will take the necessary measures at all sites where the infection appears, according to the statement.

One such institution could be the Budavár primary school, where a teacher is the coronavirus. Mayor Márta V. Naszályi of District I said the teacher did not come into contact with the students, he was quarantined and his network of contacts is being mapped.

An infected person was also found at Lisznyay Street Elementary School, where a student’s coronavirus test was positive, and the Daisy Kindergarten in Óbuda was closed because three workers had a positive coronavirus test.

The László Nagy Primary School in Óbuda has also not been able to start the course in the usual way, since there are three people with the English coronavirus infected by coronavirus. The principal informed the parents about this on Monday, who, in addition to, also reached

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A teacher at Buda's primary school became coronavirus

Ballai vince
At home

He has been quarantined, he has not met any students, his network of contacts is still under investigation. The municipality of Buda helps to evaluate employees. According to the school, the test was conducted before contacting the municipality and was negative for all employees.

I assumed for a month at school - students said teaching would stop soon

Vince Ballai – Zoltán Ká
At home

There are those who say that schools will be epidemiological focal points, but parents are more concerned than students. The children are happy to finally be able to go to school for the first time or to meet their peers and teachers again after a long spring quarantine period. However, schooling may not be enjoyed for long – some students say the deteriorating epidemic allows up to a month of regular instruction. Video about the beginning of the school year.