The nine-month course cost almost 40 million guilders at the Royal Sandhurst Military Academy. According to Fidesz, Hungarian soldiers need good training.

DK is initiating the convocation of the Defense and Law Enforcement Committee due to the case of the Gáspár Orbán military elite school, the party said Wednesday. The prime minister’s son completed training at the Royal Military Academy at Sandhurst, which cost almost 40 million florins. Gáspár Orbán joined the elite British military school after taking the oath in the summer of 2019 and becoming a soldier.

Gáspár Orbán graduated from the academy with two other Hungarians as a fellow of the Ministry of Defense (HM). All this has been revealed by the fact that the names of the examined students are usually published in the Daily telegraph The name of Gáspár Orbán also appeared here. However, it is still unknown exactly on what basis the three stakeholders were selected, so DK is also looking for an answer to the question.

why the son of Viktor Orbán was the most apt to study in a British institution with public money.

In her statement, Ágnes Vadai also said that when she learned of the formation of the three elite Hungarian academies, she tried to find out who was lucky, “but the truth was already discovered before the secret response from the government.”

“As a member of Parliament’s Law Enforcement and National Defense Committee, I take the initiative to convene the committee and listen to Tibor Benkő, Defense Minister, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán and the three elected representatives, including the son of the Prime Minister. minister, “Vadai wrote.

In a statement, Fidesz reacted: Ágnes Vadai has a personal responsibility to “reduce the Hungarian army” because, as secretary of state, she allowed the weapons of the Hungarian army to be sold, the country was reduced and made vulnerable. They add, “It is important that Hungarian soldiers receive good training both at home and abroad.” In the recent period, 163 Hungarian soldiers have received training abroad, and those who have the will “will encourage you to apply for such training.” However, the question asked was not answered.

Momentum also spoke on the subject. As President András Fekete-Győr wrote on Facebook, “I translate: Orbán’s son’s expensive tuition was paid with tax forint. I don’t care what Gáspár Orbán’s academic results were, if he met the formal requirements. It becomes one hundred billion, but he doesn’t even spend that much money to teach his son, but he also pays it with us. “

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