The police received a report and a report on an article from the director of the Petőfi Literary Museum.

He caused great outrage to Szilárd Demeter last Saturday near the government. Originn published article. Several convictions have been handed down for it, and someone has also taken legal action:

In relation to this case, the Budapest Police Headquarters received a report and a complaint. “

The authority stated in A popular wordwith. BRFK added that the content of both the notification and the complaint is currently under review.

According to the newspaper, it is not yet known who made the report and the report, and its content is also unknown. Kálmán Szalai, an employee of Fundación Acción y Protección, told the newspaper that there are probably no civil or criminal proceedings against Demeter. András Heisler, president of the Association of Jewish Communities in Hungary, added that they were studying whether the report would stop under Hungarian law.

In his article, Szilárd Demeter called Europe the “György Soros gas chamber” and the Hungarian and Polish people the “new Jews.” Demeter withdrew the article the next day, but said he would not resign as director of the Petőfi Literary Museum, even though his own staff also distanced themselves from his remarks. You can read more about the replicas of the article here.

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Demeter Szilárd's words are explained by her former career colleague with independence of thought.

Writer Dénes Tamás, essayist and adjunct professor at Sapientia de Miercurea Ciuc University, expressed his disappointment when he shared his opinion on the current director general of the Petőfi Literary Museum on Facebook. As he himself says: whoever uses his talent to spread hatred can no longer be called intellectual.

Windisch Judit – Joó Hajnalka
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The government and Fidesz appear to be defending Demeter Szilárd, the director of the Petőfi Literary Museum, which published Jewish writings on the Holocaust, who insisted that he never wrote a single anti-Semitic phrase and did not think. What could have motivated Demeter and how could she find it all acceptable?