The mayor of Székesfehérvár does not agree with the abolition of the corporate tax, just as he was not happy with the reduction of the car tax.

András Cser-Palkovics is not fighting with the government, but with the president of the Hungarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry over business tax – said the mayor of Székesfehérvár Reply online-nak.

In a Facebook post on November 17, András Cser-Palkovics told the Speaker of the House, László Parragh, to “leave businesses and settlements alone,” referring to the MKIK chairman’s idea to suspend the tax on companies raised by local governments for one year. be.

Cher-Palkovich to ReplyIn an interview with the Commission, he said that he had already protested against the reduction of the tax rate when the proposal was lifted by the Competitiveness Council at the beginning of the epidemic.

The government announced in April that it would remove 40 percent of the car tax from local governments. Cher-Palkovich was also not happy about this, but in this case he did not see anything objectionable as in the camera plan.

The mayor said in an interview that he was able to work well with the opposition in the assembly until 2018, but then his job became more difficult after he claimed that national politics had “infiltrated” the municipality, saying that he could not lead a city ​​with great political logic.

Everyone knows that I have belonged to Fidesz, more since I was fifteen, but I did not swear by Fidesz and not by Viktor Orbán in 2010, ’14 and ’19. But to Székesfehérvár “

He said.

According to him, it is still not certain that he will never return to national politics, but in 2024 he wants to regain the confidence of the electorate in Székesfehérvár.

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Cser-Palkovics was surprised that Kásler replaced the director of the Székesfehérvár hospital
At home

The mayor of the city of Fidesz would like to know as soon as possible why Dr. István Csernavölgyi was dismissed from the post.

Cher-Palkovich sends a message to Parragh: Don't overdo it, don't overdo it!

According to the mayor of Székesfehérvár, László Parragh’s proposals would make the settlements completely impossible. The Fidesz politician also sent a message to the president of the Chamber of Industry: Don’t do it!