233 patients must be ventilated by machine.

Coronavirus: the second wave

Half a year after the spring outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic, the second wave of the pandemic has arrived. The radical increase in the number of infected is forcing more and more countries to re-impose restrictions, despite the fact that the world economy has not even recovered from the effects of the spring outbreak. According to the signs, the second wave also reached Hungary. Follow our news!

Another 2,316 Hungarian citizens were diagnosed with the new coronavirus infection (Covid-19), increasing the number of infected people identified in Hungary to 61,563, the government website reporting on the epidemic said.

There were 47 patients who died, the youngest of them 49 and the oldest 97, so the number of deaths increased to 1,472.

16,491 people have been declared recovered since the outbreak began.

The number of active infections increased in one day to 2020, currently 43,600. 28 percent of active infections, 36 percent of deaths, and 29 percent of recovered are from Budapest.

The hospital cares for 2602 coronavirus patients (+153), of which 233 (+12) are on ventilators.

So far a total of 990,383 laboratory tests have been carried out in Hungary, 10,010 on the last day.

The positive test rate is 23.1 percent.

Following the decision of the operating tribe, there is currently an extraordinary recess in 51 kindergartens, and schools are being cleaned with disinfectant during the fall recess.

  • Budapest: +423
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The number of people infected by the coronavirus in the world is close to 43 million


We are also slowly reaching the 1.2 million death toll.

Ambulances took the mayor of Csepel to the hospital

At home

Barber Lénárd is still being helped to breathe with oxygen.