Bethesda Children’s Hospital does not treat coronavirus patients, but serious cases have been found.

Coronavirus: the second wave, the second closure

Later than expected by many, but in mid-November, the Hungarian government also decided to try to curb the second wave of the coronavirus epidemic by introducing restrictions. At the time of the decision, 5,000 new infections had been identified per day and the number of deaths from the virus was mostly between 50 and 100 in 24 hours. The first step is a partial closure, but how effective it is is questionable. Follow our news!

Although severe forms of coronavirus disease are rare in children, multi-organ inflammatory disease can develop and appear a few weeks after the active phase of infection. This is a particularly serious condition that requires intensive therapy and sometimes even ventilation, said György Velkey, CEO of Bethesda Children’s Hospital. InfoRadio In his show Arena.

Velkey ​​said they still have a patient so he is much better now, but has had to fight for his life in the last few days. The case is not unique, it also occurs in other larger intensive care units.

“It is not possible to prevent it, the coronavirus disease is asymptomatic, we can only show that this was the cause, but suddenly a severe syndrome appears, whose sign at home is that the child is more lethargic, more down, possibly fresher. In this case, it is important that the child is hospitalized on time, so the knowledge that the coronavirus is completely harmless to children is not entirely accurate, “he said.

In Bethesda, by the way, general child care is provided, and in the capital, the main coronavirus supply site is Heim Paul Hospital. Velkey ​​also said that in the spring, Bethesda also had to reserve beds for Covid care, and these were largely empty, reducing its other supplies. “Now it was a very serious decision for Bethesda to provide general child care, and that is also the guiding principle in other elements of the system.”

The nature of the cases treated also changed due to the epidemic. In general, for example, the number of accidents has decreased, while the number of accidents involving children in the home has increased. The general manager said that almost on duty, the closet falls on the child or toddler falls off a table or chair, and burns and scalds are common.

According to Velkey, the other common infectious diseases are also less common due to the distance. So far, these symptoms have multiplied around November, and the number of complications, from pneumonia to pleurisy to sinusitis, has packed the hospital into early April, and the number has dropped. “That doesn’t mean we have nothing to do, but overall, this lifestyle change is showing its impact,” he said.

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Tibor Prievara: The kids sit there brain-melted in Zoom classes, like a zoom bike in front of the machine.

István Balla
Life + Style

If a student is held for six hours a day and he never speaks, we can assume that he has not learned much, says teacher Tibor Prievara, a digital education expert who also named these students zoombikes. He believes that we have not learned much from spring quarantine education, today digital teaching is separated from digital learning, the school’s goal is to know on paper how effective it is, it matters little.

Why are children better protected from the coronavirus?  You seem to have the answer


Differences in their immune systems and the best condition of their blood vessels are among the factors that protect children from severe Covid-19, Australian and Swiss researchers have found.