The national medical director warns that it is at least as much in front of us as behind us.

Coronavirus: the second wave

Half a year after the spring outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic, the second wave of the pandemic has arrived. The radical increase in the number of infected is forcing more and more countries to re-impose restrictions, despite the fact that the world economy has not even recovered from the effects of the spring outbreak. According to the posters, the second wave also reached Hungary. Follow our news!

Although countries treat the epidemic differently, they collect data differently, so it is not comparable, but the upward trend can be seen everywhere. We should not get tired of dealing with the coronavirus epidemic because we have at least as much ahead of us as behind us, “Cecília Müller told the Sunday Newspaper of Kossuth Radio.

According to the expert, in the first wave of the epidemic, Hungary defended itself with great success, “everyone was in their place”, health workers, authorities, government bodies and especially the population, but last week in Hungary there were more and more patients and fatalities.

He also highlighted that

the population can do everything possible to prevent and stop the spread of the epidemic and they count on everyone, since the responsibility is shared.

At the same time, he also drew attention to the fact that the autumn period is conducive to the onset of diseases of the upper respiratory tract and even before the flu season. Flu vaccines have been given to GPs, he said, and asked chronic patients to seek vaccines from their GPs. And for the little ones, he recommended taking vitamins C and D.

Cecília Müller emphasized that the health system had prepared to receive patients and that the hospitals designated to treat patients with coronavirus in the first round were slowly saturating, so the number of beds and the number of facilities needed had increased.

He also said that some of the second-line institutions are already involved in the treatment of patients, so that care is provided for all and the change of route of health workers is taking place.

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Cecília Müller: 21 years was the youngest and 103 years the oldest victim of the coronavirus epidemic
At home

The death rate of the disease caused by the coronavirus is 2.5 percent, the difference between the infection of larger and smaller settlements is decreasing, the wet mask is less protective, it was revealed in Tuesday’s information from operational staff.

Cecília Müller: Coronavirus disease may enter a rapidly worsening stage
At home

In the briefing of the operating court on Friday, they were informed what to expect from a person in moderate condition and the focus of the infection in the construction of the chemical plant in Tiszaújváros was discussed.