The national medical director told public media.

We will adjust from Monday because it must be toughened, he said in Nagyvenyim on Sunday, the national medical director said in a statement to public media on measures to protect against the coronavirus epidemic. Cecília Müller said that the number of people infected by the coronavirus is increasing day by day, and for the second consecutive day, almost 4,000 new cases are confirmed by laboratory tests. This also increases in direct proportion the number of people requiring hospital treatment. He drew attention to the fact that not only people with an underlying disease or the elderly become moderate to severe. There are also younger people whose immune system responds to infection in need of urgent care, hospitalization, he said.

He emphatically emphasized: everyone has a responsibility these days. Individual responsibility, joint responsibility, responsibility of the authorities, said Cecília Müller. He said it was extremely important for everyone to take the rules seriously because that would curb the epidemic. He also said that it is important that everyone has access to adequate care in hospitals. Let everyone have a place, an intensive care provider, a ventilator – he said, emphasizing: Hungary currently has all this, as well as the necessary forms of care and medicines. Since spring, she has accumulated a wealth of experience with the disease, which helps with healing, she added.

According to the medical director, never have so many positive cases been discovered during the epidemic. He added that since the beginning of the epidemic, almost 80,000 people have been infected in Hungary and a significant part of them have already recovered. Cecília Müller also pointed out that the individual’s reaction to the virus is very different, depending on the state of the immune system, but also on the person’s genetics.

There are currently 4205 people being treated in the hospital, 306 with ventilators. The head doctor asked the person who had contracted the disease and was at home to monitor himself and, if his condition worsened, to notify the family doctor or the doctor on call in a timely manner.

“We adjust it from Monday because you have to tighten it,” he emphasized, emphasizing that the use of masks has been shown to prevent transmission of the virus by almost 80 percent. He recalled that at the beginning of the epidemic, the World Health Organization (WHO) recommended that patients wear a mask. However, by now the virus is so widespread that it is no longer possible to know with certainty who is sick, many of whom are asymptomatic. That is why now everyone is considered contagious, ”said Cecília Müller, adding that this is why the mandatory rules for wearing masks have been extended.

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