The demand for coronavirus tests has increased in the last 24 hours, which is why cars are being deployed.

The capacity to test for coronavirus will be increased according to the instructions of the national chief physician on Tuesday, the National Center for Public Health (NNK) told MTI on Tuesday.

According to the NNK, this is due to the increased demand for coronavirus tests in the last 24 hours.

Pursuant to the decision of the National Medical Director, he designated all licensed and publicly funded motor vehicles of licensed health care providers as patient transporters and also involved them in transporting samples taken for PCR testing.

The task is coordinated by OMSZ, they wrote.

In recent weeks, the number of active infections in Hungary has multiplied. While there were only 560 on August 8, the government information site had already reported 4,706 coronaviruses on September 8.

The real antivirus weapon would be the most effective tests and the most transparent communication.

“If someone can say now when and what the peak of the epidemic will be, it is more of a prediction than an expert,” says Tamás Ferenci, clinical biostatistician and associate professor. Hungarian scientists are in a more difficult situation than in the spring, and this uncertainty could only be alleviated with action.

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Merkely would put the teachers to the test, take back the grown-ups' shopping bar, and ban late-night parties
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The rector of the University of Semmelweis said that the problem now is less than in the first wave, but the threat is not.

The real antivirus weapon would be the most effective tests and the most transparent communication.

Ivan László Nagy
At home

Based on models of medical epidemics, the position of the profession is clear: swift and thoughtful action is needed to contain the coronavirus epidemic. Although experts say there is a way to avoid deaths and break the chains of infection, there is no single “magic epidemiological plan.”