Today, the government decides to extend the border blockade. This was stated at a press conference of the Operational Court on Wednesday.

Coronavirus: the second wave

Half a year after the spring outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic, the second wave of the pandemic has arrived. The radical increase in the number of infected is forcing more and more countries to re-impose restrictions, although the world economy has not even recovered from the effects of the spring outbreak. According to the posters, the second wave also reached Hungary. Follow our news!

There is an increase in the proportion of people treated at the hospital compared to those confirmed infected, which is not favorable, Cecília Müller, national director, said in a briefing by operational staff on Wednesday. The medical director had previously described current data on the epidemic and said the condition of those treated at the hospital was severe or moderate.

Responding to questions, he said there are no plans to make the wearing of masks mandatory in gyms, but suggested that people prefer to play sports outdoors.

How dangerous is it for an average person to get the flu and coronavirus at the same time? InfoRadio asked. The medical director said this could likely lead to further complications and problems.

The Transdanubian Daily asked about the regulations regarding spas and wellness hotels. According to Cecília Müller, only go healthy to places like this, but don’t spend too much time in the changing rooms.

There is nothing to stop relatives from talking to relatives through the fence in nursing homes, just wear a mask and keep them at least 1.5 feet away, he said to another question.

An Iron Nation reader asked schoolchildren to quarantine at home that they would be released too soon. To this, the chief physician revealed how the ten days of quarantine are calculated: from the three days prior to the onset of symptoms, and symptoms can only be returned to school with a medical certificate.

According to Cecília Müller, the amount of hereditary virus material in wastewater is measured in 21 locations. She said again what the meaning of this is: it predicts the start of the epidemic. Such a sample is taken in 3 places in Budapest – he said, then he said:

we are now seeing growth, especially in western Hungary.

The RTL Club asked him on what basis the virus’s breeding number was calculated, which he said Tuesday would be around one. The answer: based on epidemiological data.

The operational tribe does not want a voice in people’s privacy, so they will not tell you if people will accept an invitation to a family event or other event. Organize them with great care and wisdom, ”he said.

On education, he said that there are currently extraordinary breaks in 30 kindergartens and six schools, and digital work schedules in 130 classes and 4 schools. He asked that general hygiene standards be respected, and indicated that the school thermometer would start on October 1, and then reminded him that Thursday would be World Aging Day, on this occasion he quoted Pope Francis:

Old age is not a disease but a privilege.

He also gave advice to the elderly: do not be in common areas for a long time, keep your distance, ventilate often at home, wash your hands, disinfect yourself, if you can take care of yourself. Have household gloves at home and a viral disinfectant, he said. He asked the young people to take care of their relatives.

The government is deciding to close the border today, Lieutenant Colonel Róbert Kiss said at the beginning of the briefing, who said detailed information would be released on Thursday. He also spoke about allowing farmers with land near the border to be admitted to Slovenia without a test and exempting commuters, transit merchants, transporters, diplomats, scheduled emergency arrivals, etc., from the ten-day quarantine.

He also described the epidemiological activities of the police in the last 24 hours:

  • Measures were taken in 36 cases;
  • In 15 cases of inappropriate use of masks, 12 of them were warned, three were reported;
  • On Tuesday afternoon, in the Plaza Líder de la Guardia, action was taken against two people who were not wearing a mask in a vehicle;
  • there were 21 measures in shops and community spaces, 13 people were warned, 4 were fined, 4 were reported;
  • Since last Monday, 493 cases have been attended and 42 people have been denounced for breaches of protection measures.

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Foreign Relations paid hundreds of millions to the company whose corona tests it did not take.

Windisch Judit
At home

In reference to the emergency, the Foreign Ministry bought HUF 310 billion ventilators, tests and masks without public procurement, but will do everything possible to ensure that all details of the expenses are not disclosed. You send incomplete documents to public interest data requests, and the tests haven’t answered the simple question of what types are for days. One of the documents in the possession of revealed that although it did not perform rapid coronavirus tests from one of the companies, the company still received hundreds of millions.

Another 280,000 people contracted the coronavirus and 227,000 were cured worldwide.


The number of victims has increased by almost 66,000 in the last day.