The national medical director also revealed other details about the vaccine: it will take half an hour to administer and does not recommend the vaccine to pregnant women. Complete protection develops on the seventh day after the second inoculation.

Coronavirus: the second wave, the second closure

Later than expected by many, but in mid-November, the Hungarian government also decided to try to curb the second wave of the coronavirus epidemic by introducing restrictions. At the time of the decision, 5,000 new infections had been identified per day and the number of deaths from the virus was mostly between 50 and 100 in 24 hours. The first step is a partial closure, but how effective it is is questionable. Follow our news!

We are expanding our article.

We are also preparing to receive the vackina during the holidays, said national director Cecília Müller, who told operational staff on Wednesday, who said the vaccines will be administered at 25 locations across the country. The first dose of the Pfizer vaccine will arrive on the 26th, 10,000 vaccines, according to the medical director, “a symbolic dose.” In the first instance, health workers have the opportunity to get vaccinated.

He also talked about how the vaccine will work: the applicant will need to fill out a questionnaire before the vaccine is given to find out, for example, if they may be allergic to any of the ingredients. You will then need to make a statement of consent, then get the vaccine, in a muscle, usually the deltoid, and then stay there for a 20 minute observation if any complications occur. Everything will take half an hour in total, ”said Cecília Müller, who said that we should also pay attention to our symptoms afterwards.

All people who have been vaccinated will receive an immunization record that tells you when, what vaccine you received, and when to request the second vaccine. The medical director said a little redness, possibly swollen lymph nodes, could be expected at the injection site and suggested that everyone rest for a bit afterwards.

He indicated that the vaccine is not recommended for women who are pregnant or want to have a child, and those who have received the vaccine said they would still have to wait 2-3 months to have a baby.

Teachers can request a test before the second semester

Educators were informed that they could request coronavirus test sampling before December 30 if they wanted to be tested before the next semester. It will be possible to apply online, the sampling will take place on January 1 and 2.

It will be a little different than usual, “he said about Christmas, whose message he says is” The external conditions in us can affect this, but the experience of the holidays is shaped by our own spirit. ” He wished everyone a “Merry Christmas full of love and joy”.

Having previously presented current epidemiological data, he said of the 154 deaths that he saw a slight downward trend, which is encouraging, but this should be treated with caution as the data is deteriorating again in some neighboring countries.

Can we get infected after the first vaccination?

The officer’s chief physician answered three questions.

For example, it turned out that someone could become infected after the first vaccine and receive the second if they got sick. According to the medical director, the vaccine does not provide immediate protection and a second vaccine is needed to strengthen developing immunity. He said that

Complete protection is achieved on the seventh day after the second vaccination.

That is, infection between the two vaccines cannot be ruled out, so everything possible should be done to avoid infection, hygiene rules must be followed, he said. If someone gets sick after the first vaccination, they will not be ingested until they have been through it.

One question concerned a follow-up study of infected patients, to which he said that those who were treated in serious condition in a hospital were always reminded of his knowledge.

Another question is whether it is worth calling an ambulance if someone makes a mistake and wants to be tested. He replied that in case of coronavirus symptoms, the family doctor should be called, and during the on-call period, the general emergency department should be called, and if someone is very ill, the ambulance.

Before the questions, Lieutenant Colonel Róbert Kiss described the police activities related to the epidemic. Among other things, it turned out that

  • The police have taken measures against 276 people due to epidemiological regulations in the last 24 hours: 106 have been warned, 84 have been fined and 58 have been denounced for violations.
  • 653 police measures were carried out in shops,
  • 381 people received access restrictions,
  • and 155 people for violating entry rules.
  • a total of 11,099 catanene controls were performed
  • 3,719 people were ordered to go into official home quarantine, increasing the number of people in quarantine to 29,316,
  • 3,926 people downloaded the quarantine app.

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A new mutation in the coronavirus may already be in the neighborhood

According to the Slovak Health Minister, there are several indications that the variant of the virus has reached them.

After a coronavirus infection, children can develop a serious illness
At home

Bethesda Children’s Hospital does not treat coronavirus patients, but serious cases have been found.