The prohibition applies to all institutions that provide hospital care.

Coronavirus: the second wave

Half a year after the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic in the spring, the second wave of the pandemic has arrived. The radical increase in the number of infected is forcing more and more countries to re-impose restrictions, despite the fact that the world economy has not even recovered from the effects of the spring outbreak. According to the posters, the second wave also reached Hungary. Follow our news!

The national medical director has ordered a total ban on visits to all medical and hospital facilities in the country, the National Center for Public Health (NNK) said on Wednesday.

The decree posted on the side of the NNK also revealed that there are exceptions:

  • in the case of a severely terminally ill patient, the person who must be present;
  • in the case of a minor patient, the parent, legal representative or designee;
  • in the case of a mother mother, the adult person she designates who can be with her during labor and delivery.

Depending on the decision, the healthcare provider may, in some cases, consider allowing entry outside of the above cases.

The measure in force since Tuesday also applies to private and publicly funded providers.

It is not only hospitals that are affected by the rigor caused by the spread of the coronavirus. On Tuesday, Cecília Müller announced that she had imposed a ban on visiting and leaving institutions on all social institutions in the country.

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Cecília Müller closed social institutions throughout the country

At home

They must not be visited or abandoned. There will be few exceptions.

Social institutions in the capital will receive 400 million for epidemic treatment


The Metropolitan Assembly is (also) preparing for the second wave of the virus.

My Biodome becomes more expensive