According to the Medical Director, the number of infected people is growing exponentially, and the infection is already in all settlements and institutions, at most it has not yet been detected.

Coronavirus: the second wave

Half a year after the spring outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic, the second wave of the pandemic has arrived. The radical increase in the number of infected is forcing more and more countries to re-impose restrictions, despite the fact that the world economy has not even recovered from the effects of the spring outbreak. According to the signs, the second wave also reached Hungary. Follow our news!

The briefing of operational personnel on Wednesday was opened by Lieutenant Colonel Kristóf Gál with a description of the epidemiological measures taken at the government meeting the previous day. In accordance with the legislation that has since been published in the Hungarian Gazette, an extraordinary legal order has been reintroduced and a state of emergency has been declared throughout Hungary.

In this framework, there will be a curfew between midnight and 5 in the morning, when everyone is obliged to remain in their place of residence, stay or accommodation, solely for work reasons, transportation to the workplace, from the place from work to the place of residence, place of stay or accommodation. or if there is a situation of danger to health, danger of death or serious injury or in order to protect life.

Cultural events, film performances and non-international sporting events can be held, but spectators can only occupy one out of every three seats in the auditorium, with the exception of the lodges, two seats must be left empty between two spectators and the seats immediately one behind the other should not occupy. . A distance of 1.5 meters should be provided, if possible, next to each other and between those who are seated in different rows. A distance of 1.5 meters should also be maintained in the lodges, on the premises of the establishment, during breaks at cultural or sporting events, and in the on-site catering shop.

Kristóf Gál drew attention to the fact that the organizers of the events and the operator of the venue that hosts them are required to ensure compliance with the rules. Those who fail to comply despite the call should be excluded.

The lieutenant colonel stressed that the police will inspect the events and venues and take decisive action. It warns that it can impose a fine of 100,000 to 1 million guilders and close the facility for a period of 1 day to 1 year.

Gál added: In Budapest and in cities with county status, local public transport service providers are obliged to prepare a plan for congestion of their flights during the morning and evening rush hours before November 5. He also recalled that according to the government’s decision, parking can once again be free.

He also informed the lieutenant colonel of the results of the inspections carried out in the last 24 hours. According to him, those who violated the regulations were found in 72 commercial premises and other closed places throughout the country: 19 cases were warned, 39 cases were fined and 14 people were reported.

As a result of checks carried out among those passing through Hungary, fines were imposed in 71 cases and 6 people were reported.

Those in official home quarantine were inspected in 12,712 cases in one day, and 28 people were reported.

Reported by Gal in his XX. also on the case of a district store that was closed for three days by the police because five employees, including a security guard who would have to warn customers to comply with the rules, were inappropriately wearing masks under the chin. The employees were fined on the spot.

Cecília Müller spoke of sad records

The national medical director opened with a presentation of the latest epidemiological data, saying 90 coronavirus patients had died and 4,219 new infections had been identified in the last 24 hours.

He mentioned that the youngest of the latest victims of the epidemic was a 28-year-old man – we know that he is the municipal representative of Józsefváros, Lajos Balogh “Paci” – and the oldest is a 99-year-old woman.

He then spoke about the fact that the number of infected people is growing exponentially throughout Europe, including Hungary. The reason for this is that infected people transmit the pathogen to many other people, so it is important to follow previously established rules and stricter regulations announced Tuesday, he stressed.

“These figures are already so significant that they greatly increase the number of hospital admissions,” he said, as of Wednesday, 4,871 people needed hospital treatment for a coronavirus infection. Müller emphasized that the burden on the health care system was increasing and a significant part of the measures were aimed at maintaining the functionality of the hospitals. And if someone becomes infected despite precautions, all material, professional and personal skills must be available for effective and efficient treatment.

The national chief physician, who repeatedly emphasized individual responsibility in defense, reiterated that 80 percent of Hungarian settlements had already been registered as infected. He also pointed out that there is nowhere where the virus is potentially absent – at best, no infection has been confirmed yet.

Cecília Müller also said that

In week 44, the number of confirmed infections in Hungary increased 1.5 times compared to 43: in 7 days, the pathogen was detected in 7,420 people.

It also reported an increase in the average age of those infected: while at the beginning of the second wave the youngest age group, 20-29 years, was the most affected, a quarter of the new confirmed cases in the last four weeks they were in the 40-49 age group. At week 43, the mean age was 44 years, and at week 44, it was already 45.7 years.

The number of people under 15 years of age increased by a total of 770 in week 44 compared to 43.

He also said that since the beginning of the epidemic, a total of 21% of those infected belonged to the age group of 40 to 49 years, 15% were 65 years or older and 4.4% were children.

Müller also said that although elderly and chronic patients remain those most at risk, coronavirus infection can have serious consequences and cause death even at a young age.

No one can know how you will react to infection, even at a young, healthy age. So it’s time for everyone to take action seriously. “

He is stressed.

Questions from journalists, like Tuesday, have not been answered now.

Regarding the territorial distribution of infection cases, the chief physician said that in week 43 the proportion of infected was higher than the national average in the counties of Budapest, Győr-Moson-Sopron, Nógrád and Vas, and lower in the counties of Békés, Somogy and Tolna.

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Szijjártó's family tested negative for coronavirus
At home

The Foreign Minister is already on his way to Hungary.

A teacher at a school in Makó died and distance education was ordered
At home

It is not known if the death of the teacher has something to do with the epidemic.