The police caught them after buckling hundreds of thousands of their victims at a favorable exchange rate.

Several people were injured by the hundreds of thousands by two Bulgarians at the western train station before being captured on the VI. district police officers. According to a report by, unsuspecting people who wanted to exchange money were duped in February and March. At least three people were injured with about 800,000 florins.

A rather bearded method has been used with success:

the money transfer.

They offered their victims in the street to buy florins for euros at a more favorable exchange rate than the official one. One of them gave out the correct amount during the deal, but almost immediately asked for it back by recalculating it because something was wrong. He then exchanged the bundle of money for another guriga containing smaller denominations and then loosened the wheel before the victim woke up. His partner, meanwhile, was watching so that no one would disturb them, but there were times when he tried to distract the victim during the complicated transaction.

The two Bulgarian citizens, aged 56 and 60, were arrested this Thursday, with about 900,000 florins, more than 3,000 euros and 1,000 dollars seized. They were detained and brought in for arrest.

The Budapest Police Headquarters warned: everyone should only exchange money in an official place.

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Hard mark of soft rubles: demolition of the altar in the great monetary union - October 18, 1990

Iván bedő

God does not strike with a stick, the correspondent told the bank. The next piece in our series called Tomatoes has arrived.

Again, the euro exchange rate is above 365


The forint is approaching its weakest exchange rate against the euro and the dollar this year.